Yes, we are approching the final line, we both almost finished our Supermarine Scimitars, but let me tell you a short story.
It may be a pretty bad jet in real life, it doesn't mean the Scimitar is a ugly plane. And it's a fact, this plane is beautiful ! We can smell the 50s from here just by looking at the shape of this plane !
And that's why, we both wanted to make one, but at first we didn't know each other, I was just building my plane and he was making his. Then I made a teaser and he saw it, and that's how we meet for the first time. (yeah I know it look's like a fan fiction but it isn't calm down)
We didn't build the plane together, I made the original one and he made a modernized version, but we helped each other by sharing information and tips. Nobody copied, that's also why I'm making this teaser, I'm going to post mine before so I don't want to see a single guy say that one of us is better than the other or copied ! Both of our builds have flaws and qualities that the other one asn't.
I can't wait to see your feedback ! See you soon on this website !
T to be tagged, on his and on mine.
clash of the Titans !
@EternalDarkness or @Blue0Bull , could you please put @brians1209 as a publisher on this teaser to, it would be very nice :)