I'm not giving much detail. I'm using my alternate account on here until I'm unbanned. I've deleted my alternate account on sr for other reasons. foxman21 is gone.
I'm not giving much detail. I'm using my alternate account on here until I'm unbanned. I've deleted my alternate account on sr for other reasons. foxman21 is gone.
im back for now
@WereOutOfNames yes
@WereOutOfNamesArentWe oof
Same modarators moderate here bud
Edit: the guy who made this post is now banned
Lmao the dumbest thing you could ever do is to announce that you will be using an alternate account because you were banned on a public forum
@SupremeDorian weren't you gonna fix the issue were you could see other people's ban messages?
Using an alt to evade a ban is grounds for a permanent ban on the alt and possibly extension of the ban on your main account, regardless of what site the ban occured on.
@YourWife yea
@UraniumOxide wow
@XP I actually have a post with Jim the Squid comments on it. They aren't gone. The Post.
@Highground ill hide you in a secret bunker
@Highground knock, knock, knock. FBI OPEN UP!
Sh*t, my cover has been blown, mission abort MISSION ABORT
@TheCCCP Thanks! Same to you.
@UraniumOxide your username is nice
@Highground No, you work for the cargo plane empire.
@BuiltBionixInd10 that's exile
i want to take my alt to sr but he got deleted
You're going to brazil
@XP oh. he is evil and should be sent to a gulag to die
@ImaCat I'm just waiting for a mod to come over. @theUssr
@TheCCCP long story short jim pirated the game arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
@ImaCat plus now i know what not to do