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History of Relia

30.2k Rondine  4.4 years ago

Hi, im about to post a plane strictly related to Relia, the fictional city where Santoni and EU.M.A.CO are.


Relia was founded around 700 A.C.,by the Normans. it was built in the nearby Monte Pelato (Bald mountain, the fictional counterpart of Monte Cucuzza, it's a dialect word that means Head) as a small castle that had small value in a strategical view. From 700 A. C to 1376,Relia was only a castle(Castell'a Relia)

In 1376, Castell'a Relia was extended, to cover the beachside under the Mountain, and nearby hills.(Relia Marittima)

In 1798,Relia upgrade the Naval Port to ospit bigger boats.

In 1861,Relia helps unify Italy by being one of the main suppliers of gunpowder, with its 2 mines.After the unification, Relia was included in the calabrese region, and was put in the Cosenza Province.

In 1965, Gianpiero Santoni and Luca Ammanati start the "Santoni Aereomobili S.P.A" later shortened to simply "Santoni S.P.A"

2010, the Santoni S8.1 is built and sold. 4078 copies sold.

in 2032, after a referendum, Relia becomes Province city, meaning that its now the capital city of the Calabria Region.
People ask to change the regional flag.

the new flag is:

Top:dark greenish blue (representing the Sea=

Middle :white (representing purity)

Bottom : Yellow ( represents the Scorching sun of the south)

a green dot at the side of the white middle (represents the countryside)

a black stripe going vertical