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Hopefully The Last Teaser

41.5k MrVaultech  4.4 years ago

So, with the Beta of Update 1.10(.whatever number its at rn) hopefully nearing release, here's a final teaser for the P.23a-1e "Rastus" that'll hopefully keep this plane out of the Broken Promises forum.

Since the last teaser, added a good bit of details to the seaplane, mostly with addition of a radar that's supposed to be a mix of
the British Mk.VIII and various German radars of WW2.

That, and those mentioned flaps that honestly are pretty useless most the time.

did change them a bit since this pic

Anyways, time to spam some pretty pics I've taken of the plane, but without any of the parts from the beta because my laptop isn't part of the beta testers!

Oh, and a bit of question time, I'm really thinking on having some form of paint scheme that isn't a monotone grey or variation of grey for the B variant.
That, and the addition of a tail gunner, it's been back and forth between me and a few random nerds on Discord on if I should make sonething similar to the Me 410's waist turrets or do something that's a mix of the B-29 and P.108's turret(s) on the floats or ventral surface.
Eitherway, let me know what you think of these ideas/changes planned for the next version please!

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    41.5k MrVaultech

    I mean yes and no, but semantics.
    Eitherway, would be a lil too old school for what I'm wanting thematically

    4.4 years ago
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    44.5k rexzion

    @MrVaultech it's a german plane, I think the germans can do wacky things and get away with it

    4.4 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    I just noticed I never clicked send on my message, sorry abouts that!
    So, I eanna say I was something like "as comedic as that would be, don't think it would fit the theme of the plane" or something like that.

    4.4 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    No, its not yet, sorry for any confusion.
    And as comedic as that would be, probably wouldn't be the most practical.

    4.4 years ago
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    44.5k rexzion

    for the turrets, I feel like just slapping some guy right on top of the plane, giving him a machine gun or two and putting some small windshield infront of him

    4.4 years ago
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    41.8k Ren

    Wait, the beta's public!? How do I get it on play store??!

    4.4 years ago