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Challenges are broken. Let's fix them.

7,467 FeiWu  4.5 years ago

Recently, I have seen a lot of inexperienced players make challenges. Let's face it. They just can't judge planes well, and I learned the hard way. I have already addressed the inexperienced judgement problem by having people vote for entries in my challenges.

Another problem that I have found is that people believe that because challenges yield points, they can make an effortless a-single-cockpit-on-a-silver-plate-thumbnail-and-one-sentence-and-people-will-understand-what-you-mean-and-give-you-as-many-points-as-you-would-get-with-a-detailed-description-and-custom-thumbnail challenge and think that they've done enough. Ironically, as you will see below, the precise challenges that have the shortest descriptions are often the harshest in rating descriptions in challenge entries.

There is yet another problem also relates to effort. People are not putting effort into their point guidelines. I have spent about three hours thinking about the rubric in my Airliner Challenge (which was made by past, bronze user me), which I still use to this day. I understand that people have different preferences (I stress a lot about performance), but I do not understand why people put the same amount of points on the line for categories that evidently and significantly differ in importance. For example, a livery may be worth the same as performance and design, which is ridiculous.

Finally, there are challenges which don't have value to potential participants. I choose the number of upvotes for rewards carefully. Some (especially those extremely arrogant users out there, and some platinums are no exception) give a very small quantity of upvotes that make the challenge worthless. Some only give, for example, 5 upvotes for 1st, 3 upvotes for 2nd, and only 1 (!) for 3rd. This is ridiculous. Also, even if you're good at building planes, there will always be someone who is better. Therefore, I strongly suggest people to give an upvote for every x points and slightly lower the bonus reward for being in the top three.

Thank you for reading.

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    I always advise low experience users not to host challenges. Also, any challenge that doesn't get rated within two weeks of closing may be reported for point mining.
    As for rewards, people who usually win challenges shouldn't care about the prise. Even fifty upvotes means nothing to them with all the points they already have. Reward is having a better build than the others.
    PS. I'll never even consider entering a challenge that uses a photo and a cockpit. A proper challenge has fuselage art in it.

    Pinned 4.5 years ago
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    41.9k Ren

    I guess going inactive when a challenge exists is not allowed.....

    4.5 years ago
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    23.4k Axartar

    Honestly you have to be quite established to make a successful challenge I tried in bronze. It was a god awful attempt. Contrarily made a pretty standard challenge in gold.

    For bronze users I recommend waiting to late silver+

    4.5 years ago
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    @FeiWu ah rip. I forgot but there are other good systems too. Dllama and Eternal use very similar ones

    4.5 years ago
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    7,467 FeiWu

    @AsteroidAsteroidTheBook What is @BogdanX 's system? he removed all his challenge posts lol

    4.5 years ago
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    @AircraftoftheRedStar nervously sweats in challenge that I never finished

    4.5 years ago
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    As much as I may disagree with Bogdan, his challenge grading system is legit. You should use his

    4.5 years ago
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    7,467 FeiWu

    @EternalDarkness @spefyjerbf thank you for the clarification.

    +1 4.5 years ago
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    @FeiWu Spefy is right. If the host doesn't publish results, he failed to finish the challenge. That is enforced by users reporting such challenges and moderators removing them and issuing strikes or bans.

    4.5 years ago
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    Yes I remember one challenges 4 months ago that he point mined it. It finished and then he said “I’m no longer grading the entries.”

    4.5 years ago
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    162k spefyjerbf

    @FeiWu I think ED defines rating as the contest host judging entries.

    4.5 years ago
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    33.5k tsampoy

    @FeiWu Well sorry for wasting your time, I just realized I replaced all of my descriptions for all of my challenges

    4.5 years ago
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    33.5k tsampoy

    @FeiWu Oh rip

    4.5 years ago
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    7,467 FeiWu

    @tsampoy Well, you already replaced the ENTIRE DESCRIPTION so I cant tell lol

    4.5 years ago
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    33.5k tsampoy

    Was my challenge good?

    4.5 years ago