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cloud cover and rain

3,300 Subnerdica  4.4 years ago

so eventually (not right now lmao you guys deserve a break) id like to see actual cloud cover that is only at a certain altitude, and beyond that is just clear skies. also, rain please! it probably wouldn't be that hard to make (idk much about coding a could be wrong) but this would go with could cover, rain would only be possible under dense cloud cover and would only have a visual effect, low rain setting would just clip through everything, medium rain settings would make a splash effect when it hits ground, and high rain setting would make a splash effect when it hits ground and not be visible in roofed structures, i.e. a hanger or the inside of the use beast would be dry. just a suggestion for a future update, you could just throw it on the to-do pile for later, but id really appreciate if you guys could do this. thanks a lot, I really love your game!

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    @soldier289 meanwhile me making a ship that have 1200+ parts in an android at medium quality, in low i can get higher than that

    +1 4.4 years ago
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    23.4k soldier289

    I'm not a game creator so I don't know
    I think the physical presence of waves and clouds is likely to complicate the game's calculations.
    It may not be available on smartphones.

    4.4 years ago
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    23.4k soldier289

    @WarshipDude I wish there were waves in the oceans of this world.
    The sea looks cheap.

    4.4 years ago
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    Could be cool, waves is also the thing i want

    +1 4.4 years ago
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    3,300 Subnerdica

    yea but they aren't objects, they are just in the background, you can never get above them. @Abakan12

    +1 4.4 years ago