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Quickkkk question

669 Jerba  4.4 years ago

Does anyone know what fire delay I need to put on a cannon if I want a rate of fire 200 or 220 shells per minute? Currently attempting to recreate a bofors 57mm cannon to the best of my ability, way different house it but Wikipedia has saved me for the gun specs. (Hopefully). I just need to add aiming systems and fix the elevation of it (Also, to my annoyance, cannot get the gun to deploy level. I can’t customize the hinge rotator I’m using to have a custom value of other than what I can set it to, so I just have it so it deploys a bit above the horizon. If I could possibly get help for this that would be appreciated) Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

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    4,320 Lixcuudis

    It should fire 3.3rps, which can be found by dividing 200 by 60. The delay for the cannon should be a round every 0.303 seconds, which correlates with 3.3rps.

    4.4 years ago