I've been trying to build a new M.U.M.A.P (my very big planes), and I've been trying to get it to a 400 M length/wingspan but I cannot move the camera far out enough to work on the tail or to stretch the wings out far enough. I don't understand how people do it since I've seen plenty of huge creations, in fact the reason I'm building the new plane is the one-up another (much better looking) plane size-wise. I'd assume it's a mod but I'd still like to know for sure since this isn't the first time I've encountered this issue. I'm probably the only one with this problem, or without a solution, but I would still appreciate any help I could get. thanks in advance.
@TheMouse Agreed.
It's hardly smut.
Anyways, want a fruit by the foot? I could trade it for your breadcrumbs
I try not to be, as I hate that type of kid. hate
@TheMouse Then don't tell the mods.
Back when I was in elementary school I got in trouble because some dipshit tattled to the teacher (who I did not get along with) after I wrote 5318008 on a calculator.
Boobies. On a calculator.
Don't be that kid.
I have drawn many such things. However, that does not make it any less against the rules.
@TheMouse Because it's childish in a way I find funny, a parody in essence.
Like pillow fort sexism jokes: The subject matter is stupid and beyond respect, so treating it as childish makes it funny.
Also don't tell me you've never drawn two circles and an oval on a piece of paper before lol
What the heck? Why!?!
I am very mature
@TheMouse lmao
Rule breaker!
@TheMouse Coward.
Comments: removed. Ha. Got you!
@TheMouse Yes, I am littler than you
Oh wait. YOU LITTLE!
@TheMouse s
@TheMouse i
@TheMouse cancelled.
@OrangeConnor you too!
@Gluck thanks, I'll upload the fuselage. have a nice day.
@OrangeConnor unlisted post, just click on the Public button on the upload screen and it'll change to unlisted. Only you and those you tag on it can access it.
Also, you're fine, I'm happy to help!
@Gluck Unlisted?
Ps: hope i'm not bothering you
@OrangeConnor shouldn't do that... idk, tag me on the unlisted, I'll see what I can do tomorrow.
@Gluck I tried it and it sorta worked. it scaled down fine but I have a bug that makes it so a part can only be rescaled once with fine tuner, so I can't scale them back up. are you familiar with this glitch? is it a known issue?
@Gluck ok thanks I’ll try that
@OrangeConnor yeah
Use the scale tool and deselect the "Only scale selected blocks" box
@Gluck you can descale a whole craft?