So last night our punk crew organized a garbage collection in the city, we collected more than 4 bags 60 liter of garbage, and made one alley near the market cleaner.
And just little bit trash with trash
You can check or follow us in VK (biggest russian social site), may be later we came in Telegram and Facebook
@superTT 300 bucks
@banbantheman клASSическая
@superTT хех, норм ответка
@banbantheman в ебло ногой
панки, хой
@superTT вот эта я панимаю. Вот эта па-русски па-панковски
@DerVito ну в прошлый раз субботник пробухали по сути, а ща денег не было)))
убирают мусор
@Phantomium thanks, i remember
@superTT vibe-ing
@superTT Noice
@superTT vibing = feeling so well around a person you might as well spontaneously start to vibrate
@Ruvien0Republic0Citizen I have D.I.Y. b... patch on my denim jacket)))
"Nice work, Johnny... Here's your reward..."
@Nerfaddict what mean "viben"? I dont know these word and google dont translate it
You guys be viben
cool i like