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3,370 Snowdog  4.5 years ago

So I used foxlovers invincible plane u need slow motion and u need an invincible plane time purrfectly

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    3,370 Snowdog

    @WarshipDude well its true anyone who says someone sucks at something they suck

    4.5 years ago
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    @STUKAWOLF87 before im start im just gonna say i feel offended by the second comment...

    To answer the first question, this is why you go low and slow, that's what they taught us in flight school, essentially you want to land as slow as possible (exception being Carrier Landing), the slower you go the easier it is for you to land, with an invincible plane you essentially take out one of the major role of a game which is realism, even if this game is far from realistic you still atleast get that sense of realism, making the plane invincible is also makes you feel "this is not right", because plane irl didn't work like that, essentially making the whole challenge of landing there pointless because you don't have the challenge, you don't have the threat that you have to think of and that what i think is wrong, its like drinking tea without the sugar (although i do expect some people do prefer tea without sugar lol), like its just landing, how hard is it? You just go slow, the main challenge is just the limit of space and the missile, maybe the plane itself but i digress, its not that hard, actually it is easier in Mobile Phone than PC which normally use keyboard, so i guess that's all i have to explain, sorry about the wall of text

    4.5 years ago
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    3,370 Snowdog

    Did all of us accomplish the mission on the 3rd try I did

    4.5 years ago
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    3,370 Snowdog

    @WarshipDude u suck then for saying somebody sucks at something sucker

    4.5 years ago
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    3,370 Snowdog

    @WarshipDude no I need invincible Cuz I use fast planes and slow motion dumb dumb

    4.5 years ago
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    @STUKAWOLF87 then your landing skill sucks

    4.5 years ago
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    3,370 Snowdog

    @WarshipDude well Invincible planes best cuz when u hit a wall you don't get destroyed

    4.5 years ago
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    I'ts not hard, I can just do it with a normal plane.

    +4 4.5 years ago
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    meanwhile me: landing in ice base with unmodded plane, 3rd try and i have landed

    Just get flares dude, a lot of them

    +3 4.5 years ago
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    3,370 Snowdog

    @rexrexThezion it was my luck

    4.5 years ago
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    45.0k rexzion

    good for you

    +2 4.5 years ago