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Just my opinion

171 Lego787  9.3 years ago

I've seen that in most posts that are like wishlists for the next update there are guns and weapons and other military things. In my opinion, while this sounds AWESOME it doesn't seem to follow the games theme. The game seems to me like it is an educational game and cannons and bombs wouldn't quite fit in. For me, I wouldn't be surprised if we don't see guns or bombs in the next update. But if it is it would be cool, and if it isn't I wont be mad at the developers.

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    4,841 NovaTopaz

    Well, it really depends. Making your own gives you a taste of what it takes to make, say, missiles and guns. Plus it teaches you ballistics, to some degree. In fact, making your own is probably more educational then the game handing you guns and bombs to use. Not that it wouldn't be cool(I mean, fuel containing bombs and VTOL and detacher powered missiles can only go so far), but they aren't really necessary.

    9.3 years ago
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    We already have bombs, and they're quite easy to make.
    And in MY opinion, it's quite interesting what happens to a plane when all its guns are firing.

    9.3 years ago