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It's just a test don't be bothered 4 (aka the script Teaser) (The tetralogy)

10.7k Mast3rmem  4.5 years ago

MRF.30 Kashino

There corporal I fix your aircraft, the engine is still kinda bit broken but hey if it flies, it flies. Put a little bit of vodka in it and off you go mate!

A Greglandian Royal Navy Ground Crew mechanic

Public information

Status: In service

Armed cross Designation: Kashino

Greglandian designation: The "Cow"

Manufacturer: Forschulen Aviation, Poyasakai

Production: Late 2010 - present

Year of rollout: late 2010

Year of development: 2000-2009

Number of built: 511

In service with: Fabella Royal Navy, Greglandian Royal Navy and airforce, Valestian Airforce, Karyan Union

Intended use: Swift, Cheap, And reliable Interceptor and also Air superiority


-MRF.30 Interceptor (the one you currently using)

-MRF.30 Strike Kashinos (With ground ornaments)

-MRF.31 Kashino 2 (With double Fins to support more stability, and also in the works :) )

Production plant: Hogards Factory And Aircraft Assembly, City of Hogards

Classified information

Powerplant: BN-78 B (A variant of the ALA-10 Powerplant)

Radar: GXV-106 (Upgraded Version of the Pegassus 75 Radar)

Top speed: Mach 2.6

More details classified

Technical information and how to best utilize this plane (Please important)

This Gal is afraid of altitudes beyond 40.000 feet, If you go beyond it will starts to get uncontrolably jerky. So keep that in mind pilots! Because it had only 1 vertical stabilizers, I've tried fix those but it didn't work (Ya know SP physics), so I had development in the works called Kashino 2. It will had 2 vertical stabilizers so it can be more stable .

While dogfighting go full speed because it will greatly improve the performance and also utilize your BVRAAMs pilots! they can be quite handy in long range combat.

Taking off and landing. Use flaps to increase plane lift during takeoff, and also use Flaps and gyro for landing, make sure you are on FINAL do not attempt to change course (go right or left), and keep an eye of your speed and altitude during carrier landing.



The MRF.30 Kashino was a project developed by Forschulen To make a Cheap and not to complex Version of the Pegassus 75. And was the termacael equivalent of the Panavia tornado

Work began on the year 2000, the design incorporated attributes from both the Akagi and the Pegassus 75, it went many design changes because of changes in Greglandian Navy battle doctrine over the years. The final design featured a swept wings just like the two and the auto rotating pylons from the Akagi and to keep cost low it had only one verical Stabilizers

Overall history

The MRF.30 Kashino was swept wing interceptor used by the Greglandian Royal Navy. It entered service in 2010 with very small numbers because the Navy aircraft carriers is still operating the pegassus 75s and MRF.27X. When the Pegassus 75 fleet is retired in 2018, the kashino numbers starts to gradually grow and become the main backbone of the Greglandian Royal navy alongside the ALA-10

It was a very maneuverable Fighter and proves itself to be a capable interceptor, and also an STO (Short Take Off) Fighter as well. It had nearly the same engines as the ALA-10 With A few tweaks, and nearly the Same radar as the pegassus 75.

Kashino and it's sisters

The Kashino also has its bigger sisters too, such this example are the venoslavian MRF.32 Frostbite

(Built by seika)

Wartime service

Kashinos wartime services are moderately succesfull. It saw action in the Greglandian, U.S.I.R war as part of Lambda Team of the Amphibious Assault ship HGMS Kamoroon. Lambda squadron shot down 7 U.S.I.R fighter jets, with only 3 of them shot down.

It also saw service in the Acadian decanonazation war as a part of Greglandian Airforce Expeditionary Force in Fabella (GAEFF). It was assigned to fabella to support the fabellan invasion in western acadia. One of them is Polemain squadron, Their mission is to support Fabellan heavy bombers to the capital of acadia and disable as much air power as they can before the combined Coalition forces sweep in and overthrow the dictatorship. Fabellan Ma206s of cicada Squadron Go along to destroy more anti aircraft facilities and meanwhile the Greglandian Kashinos shot down numerous Acadian fighter jets. The mission was succesfull with low casualties both on the Greglandians and fabellans.

Kashinos and Fabellan Ma206s
Fabellan AWACs : La La La listen to that beautiful voices, this is Oka Nieba that means sky eye in your language!

Fabellan and Greglandian pilots: Come join us!

Note: The AWACs is not from simpleplanes, I just found a picture of Indian airforce AWACs in the perfect angle from google

MRF.31 Kashino 2

The Kashino 2 is a better improvement of the Current Kashino. It had 2 Stabilizers and more powerful engines. Its still in the works


The Kashino is armed with:
-2x V999 BVRAAM (Predecessor to the V1000 BVRAAM used by Pegassus 80)

-2x C100 AMRAAM

-6x C99 AMRAAM

How to use

VTOL + Down = Flaps

AG-1 = Go full speed

AG-2 = Hooks

AG-3 = Disable flaps and Enable swept wings (Pull Vtol down)

AG-4 = Radome

AG-5 = Empty

AG-6 = Gyro

AG-7 = Detach External fuel tanks

AG-8 = Weapons and light


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    38.2k V

    I am bothered vol. 4, the quartet of annoyance.

    Pinned 4.5 years ago
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    38.2k V

    @MemeLordMASTERMEMES i already have ones planned for 5 and 6

    4.5 years ago
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    10.7k Mast3rmem

    @V hehehe

    +1 4.5 years ago
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    10.7k Mast3rmem

    @Planeacceleration Thanks

    4.5 years ago
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    4.5 years ago
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    10.7k Mast3rmem

    @Bernkastel Ah yes ok

    4.5 years ago
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    33.3k Bernkastel


    4.5 years ago
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    10.7k Mast3rmem


    4.5 years ago