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A challenge

215 9UMP  4.3 years ago

How do i make a challenge..

off topic: laptop won`t type question marks

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    215 9UMP

    @PapaKernels thanks

    4.3 years ago
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    61.7k PapaKernels

    Making a challenge basics
    1) create a new aircraft
    2) if you want make a plane or vehicle that would pertain to the challenge you are making or do what I did and make the challenge out in words
    3) make the rules fair so everyone can follow them
    4) if your device cant handle a large creation limit the max parts
    5) give at least a 10 upvote top prize.
    6) make a fair deadline (I'd say about a month after the challenge post is created
    7) make all the stuff people will ask about in the description like max part count, deadline, and weither to allow xml moding or not

    4.3 years ago
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    Basically it’s like uploading a plane except the plane is an emblem and the description is the rules and reward.

    +1 4.3 years ago
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    30.1k TriStar

    Ok heres a wuetsuion mark for you to copy and paste ?

    4.3 years ago