I had a nice big thing wrote but then Internet-sama cut out and I lost it all. So a simple thanks to everyone will have to do. Enjoy my favorite waifus.
I had a nice big thing wrote but then Internet-sama cut out and I lost it all. So a simple thanks to everyone will have to do. Enjoy my favorite waifus.
@ArkRoyalTheDDhunter but thanks you for liking it, I'll re-post it soon with minor changes
@ArkRoyalTheDDhunter eh we live and we learn
@GriffonGriffonTheCrosswind Thank you
Congrats on gold!
@SquadronSquadronTheLeaderX To Be Continued
@SquadronSquadronTheLeaderX (Error note: The base commander is Nakamura. Crimson Demon is Marble, who is the young introvert anima)
@SquadronSquadronTheLeaderX But thats because he hasn't fully learned human emotions and feelings yet. He will learn eventually and change his ways of combat
@SquadronSquadronTheLeaderX Still kills them. Surrender is just a weakness to him
@SquadronSquadronTheLeaderX Yeah, Marble is a special case in which he is passive unless engaged. And he believes in fully destroying the enemy so they don't show up again.
@SquadronSquadronTheLeaderX um, marble shot him down, and then killed him directly when he bailed out
@SquadronSquadronTheLeaderX UHHHHHH.....Trigger is dead.
@SquadronLeaderX Enemies: Osea, Erusea, Intruders, Sapin, Emmeria Aurelia.
Allies: Asami Isles, Fabellan Federation, Belka, Yuktobania, Estovakia
@SquadronLeaderX Well it's the reverse since Yuktobania is under attack by Intruders currently. But the Yuktobanian Navy and Air Force managed to slip out and join the fleet
@EnderPlaysUwU owo Thank you
Man your builds are REALLY AWESOME
i like your builds i download all your builds and i really enjoy using it!!!
i hope you share more builds! Because its AWESOME!!!
@NBTamata Ayayaya?
@NBTamata Yes, Tomcat-chan is great. But thank you
Glad to see you at gold bud, hopes up for that sweet platinum spot
@Vapour84 Thank you
@Astro12 Thank you
you made great work. congrulations!!!!!!
@Tomcatbetterthanhornet Ah okay