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30.5k CookingWithCinderBlocks  4.3 years ago

So I re-downloaded the multiplayer mod because it needed an update, but when I go to the mod page in the game, it does not show up! I can even find the mod in my mod folder, so why the heck can I no find it in the mod page in the game to enable it?

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    @CreeperOfTheFortress Honesty is one of my specialties.

    4.3 years ago
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    10.1k Sparky6004

    @CreeperOfTheFortress I was gonna say, thank god.

    4.3 years ago
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    @WolfSpark Yes, I would not even be on the community if I had a illegal copy, plus, Simple Planes is fairly priced, but someone else bought the copy and installed it, and yes they bought it, I made sure of it.

    4.3 years ago
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    10.1k Sparky6004

    @CreeperOfTheFortress WAIT A MINUTE, IS IT A LEGAL COPY?!

    4.3 years ago
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    5,177 Gluck

    @CreeperOfTheFortress hmm, that's a new one.
    You could probably try and narrow it down, but given the gifting circumstance it's less likely to work. You may have to (dreaded words) repurchase at some point, unless someone more intelligent than me knows something. Sorry for the unhelpful advice :/

    4.3 years ago
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    @Gluck The person who gave me the copy never told me what website (or app store, but I am on PC so I am not sure if you would call it a app store) they got it off of, so I do not know how to update my own game...

    4.3 years ago
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    5,177 Gluck

    @CreeperOfTheFortress That's probably the issue. If so, what's stopping you from updating?

    4.3 years ago
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    @WolfSpark Here is the thing, all of that happened, but I didn't see the mod in the mod page were you enable them, someone thinks it may be because I have a lower version of SimplePlanes.

    4.3 years ago
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    10.1k Sparky6004

    @CreeperOfTheFortress did you download it to your files? If you did, go to the files and open the file. It should automatically open SP, to your mod files. So when you do that, it should be automatic.

    4.3 years ago