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What are you guys view on Extraterrestrial existence?

2,188 1gecko  4.4 years ago

What do you think about aliens basically.

I’m asking this cause I’m bored lol

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    The existence of alien life has been proven on Mars, while organic compounds in Venus' atmosphere hint at the possibility of atmospheric life forms. These life forms, however, aren't really that exciting unless you're a xenomicrobiologist. They're just bacteria, which aren't super super interesting. In terms of intelligent extraterrestrial (or vacuum-dwelling) life, I would like to think that there are technologically advanced species who either have a Prime Directive (like Star Trek) or are simply unable to contact us because their technology is too advanced. I just hope the first ones we contact are benevolent.

    4.4 years ago
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    2,188 1gecko


    4.4 years ago
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    3,391 PhoenixZeMan


    4.4 years ago
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    64.2k PapaKernels

    Their out there statistic speaking their should be thousands of exoplanets that could harbor life but its un likely theres on in our solar system but maybe in the one that's going to collide with milky way, andromeda. What we believe any alien life would look like is realistically not what they could look like.

    4.4 years ago
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    30.1k TriStar

    They are aliens

    4.4 years ago