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The Lore of Feta Corp

3,779 offiry  4.4 years ago


Feta's Story:

Starting Up

As fans of spefyjerbf and Minecraftpoweer, a small group of people formed the Feta Cooperation. Originally known as the Eagle Industries Group, they soon changed their name. They hoped to compete with the bigger industries, like SpeCorp and Squirrel Industries, and so that was when Feta was born.

What Has Happened... Happening?

As more and more small businesses started forming, attracted to the growing eastern battle front of the upcoming and inevitable world war of the fourth, Feta Corp merged with another company, Amulet. Amulet was doing research on old and forgotten attack vehicles, when they came across a mysterious company called Jundroo. Jundroo had been making all sorts of vehicles way back in the 21st century, and some designs were possibly better than they could have been. They took some of the designs and adapted them to the times of today, and found out that they could be useful. Seeing some flaws, Feta decided to make their own. The Feta team took to building an island base, much like SpeCorp did with the ultra famous Nexus, across systems, and so with their base and facilities Feta was able to make multiple types of improved vehicles. Later, they would start to design their own, with a rather resonant voice.

A Success! (and more to come)

After their first success with the Feta Corp AVR Type - Normal, they continued on to make the Rocket type, and are readying to make a Water type, Missile type, and Mobile Fortress type. They also made plans for an undetectable by any radar, the USS Stalker, which the first model had just come out of the newly built harbor. Behind the lines of battle, many patriotic citizens wanted to defend their homeland, and Feta Corp was able to produce a vehicle that could match the strength of other companies. As well as a line of other vehicles that are making their way on to the market, Feta also welcomes anyone who wants a custom made weapon.

These Few Years...

After their first few vehicles, Feta has improved their techniques, as well as upgrading older designs. As those designs slowly become more obsolete, the company is forced to start making its own designs. Fueled mainly by the community, more people are deciding to join Feta in its mission. Feta will soon start working on newer, better, and sleeker tech, but so far, Feta Corp is at #58 in all of the placements. It continues to grow, and Feta hopes that many citizens will participate in its growing turret AI development program as well, but it is soon from over.


Feta Corp is so far tucked safely on an archipelago on the planet Nibiru, which orbits Titan III, but problems may still arise with the eastern system battles. But, after all of that, Feta is still just a speck in the stars.

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