Hi guys you may know me as Xamesria27. I got permanently banned 2 years ago for being 12 years old i am 14 years old now, so please if i said or did anything wrong please tell me so i can just delete or correct it. I will try to read every rule (again) to make things right
Sorry for my bad english im not american
on your second paragraph (or whatever the heck people call them these days), exactly the same thing happened to me as well, i was 11 at the time, got banned for 27 years, now i time traveled using the power of black holes because i can.
@Astro12 thanks!
welcome back
@AndrePlaysSP thanks!
@jamesPLANESii i really have to wait 27 years to open my old account again
BTW I think you should be fine making a new account if you’re now old enough to have one when you were perma-banned for being underage.
I think what the mods were supposed to do was ban the account for however many years it is until they turn 13, but this one did’t do that rip.
Hi back, I used to be called Dad!
@PlanePlaneThe66373637 thanks