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How can I prevent my ship from rocking backand forth?

437 CSLI  4.4 years ago

:/ i tried to use gyroscope, but nope. Still not working.

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    43.9k PlanesOfOld

    @DatTrainGuy19 I am fine, don't worry. New pastures etc etc.

    1.2 years ago
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    43.9k PlanesOfOld

    @ColonelRelford I will never loose my flair for the dramatic, I think that it is innate. If I stop being dramatic something will have gone horribly wrong.

    +1 1.2 years ago
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    29.8k YarisSedan

    @PlanesOfOld hey mate, doing fine irl? i dunno, just to make sure.

    1.2 years ago
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    43.9k PlanesOfOld

    Regrettably, I have not finished any projects since the plague year, as I decided that it would be best to retire.

    It would be a good build for bonfire night though, now that I think about it.

    Perhaps another year, another time. I have not the fury nor love to spend on creating anything anymore.

    That me died what feels like many years ago, and it is odd to look round this place, where it is fossilised as a monument to my youthful imbecility.

    I enjoyed your little fable by the way. It contained a good moral lesson.

    Perhaps "that guy" still lurks around in the bushes living as some kind of budget Crusoe.

    But really, I think his bones are being bleached by the sun; tumbling in the warm sand, returning to dust for eternity.

    1.2 years ago
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    43.9k PlanesOfOld

    @ColonelRelford because I saw you had wished me one, and I understood it to be the season of jollity and forgiveness; so why should I not respond?

    As for my okayness, I am okay.

    1.2 years ago
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    43.9k PlanesOfOld

    @ColonelRelford And a belated Merry Christmas to you sir, may '24 be an excellent year for us all.

    +1 1.2 years ago
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    437 CSLI

    @Fineilldoitmyself dont worry its fixed now...

    +1 3.5 years ago
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    @EmpNapoleonBonaparte Hello there, Are you using somesort of like spinning rotators? If that's the case then I suggest to disable it.

    3.5 years ago
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    437 CSLI

    The second problem is that my ship slowly turn to the right.

    +2 4.4 years ago
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    437 CSLI

    @PlanesOfOld , thanks for the idea, ill add that to my ship, and i'll notify you later.

    4.4 years ago
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    43.9k PlanesOfOld

    Do you mean it's unstable in the water? Does it seem top-heavy?

    Ideally you want to have the centre of mass below the water.

    If that doesn't fix it you can make some small buoyant fuselages and nudge them to the sides as stabilisers. But the main thing is weight below the water- look at ship designs, and you will see most have lots of ballast, In the old days it was rocks or other weights, but now its usually a load of water tanks at the bottom of the hull.

    +4 4.4 years ago
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    30.1k TriStar

    I would tag warshipdude but due to the nw rules about tagging i cant do that

    +1 4.4 years ago