You know how the rules say
"No sexually suggestive content or foul language"?
Well, the rules are actually violating this rule, as seen in the following rule which is posted under the "Be kind" section:
"If you are continually telling people their airplanes suck, then maybe you suck."
I am not even going to get too deep into this, but this is obviously innuendo.
nah, next time saying the word "gay" will land you in instantly in death penalty because this world is more messed up than my non existant brain cells
oh lord, people think that "you suck" is a sexual innuendo. what next? the word "poopiehead" will become a horrible insult that will delete the continent of africa in mere seconds?
@Blue0Bull k thanks
@Blue0Bull I recall @Mod and @Skua were moderators, is this true
But its nothing sexual except when paired with some really specific words
Well i definitely feel it needs to be updated anyway
Oh you mean that way I though of it as foul language you were talking lol
@SupremeDorian ok then i guess
lmao what
This is hilarious, lol
Lol, suck on its own does not directly mean anything sexual, only when paired with other specific words does it break the rules
@NexusGaming Next time, don't look at Urban Dictionary for definitions. It is a place of satire.
@SupremeDorian eh but i worry about it, because Urban Dictionary has quite a few examples of it being suggestive.
Anyways it is half satire and half actual worries
@CenturyAerospace yup me too
@NexusGaming I am pretty sure skua used to be a mod
I'm not sure if this post is satire or not but the word "suck" is not sexually suggestive unless you make it so. If I say "You suck" that basically just means you're bad.
@Blue0Bull why, and btw that's another example of innuendo
whoops i thought Skua was a mod
@SupremeDorian @TheLatentImage
@Seeras @Squirrel @MediocrePlanes
@EternalDarkness @Blue0Bull