I had my plane stored on another device, and I swear it was at least 300% better than what I normally make. but due to an unfortunate cycle of events, there is little to no chance I can ever get it back. Oh well, time to try doing something that’s a meme and work on something big on the side
I once worked on plane for a few days, before accedently deleting it
In my old phone i was putting a lot of 5-inch (you know, my Nagato Class BB with its 96x 5-inch) and when i went to open Overload and edit the main guns reload time it crashed and wiped out all the 5-inch, it was a hell to place as well since it was very small
I worked on a plane for 5 hours once, this was when I had my potato phone, and my game crashed and I lost it. I feel ya.
Everyone, a mandatory _F _in the chat
Oh, there was one time i had to completely redo my p-47 bcuz the files got corrupted, i copied the dimensions of each of the 80 fuselage pieces so i can restore it as a new plane then the rest of the parts, i just saved them as sub-assemblies. It was hell.
@PotatoPotatoTheTaken i see, let's just hope they fix the autosave....
@RuvienRuvienTheCitizen glad to see I’m not the only one who has felt that. Not to say it’s a good thing, but y’know, better together.
I feel your pain, one time i was making a mig-17 and stopped at 400parts, then the game crashed but the plane wasn't saved. Auto-save didn't work