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Axis of Rotation Bug

1,793 xiaofootball  4.4 years ago

Ever wondered why your twin fuselage design seems to fly funny due to that off-centered cockpit? This bug is why.

So I was figuring out how perfectly balanced and exploit free this game is when I accidentally stumbled onto this problem - The plane's axis of rotation is always set to where the current view, or camera is. In other words, the plane rotates around the camera. In any other cases (i.e. chase cam, orbit cam, fly-by cam), the plane's axis of rotation is set to where the cockpit is.

You would think that a plane's axis of rotation is located at its center of mass, like in real life, but that's simply not how Simple Planes work.

Try it, shift your cockpit piece high above your plane, take off, and watch the plane rotate around your cockpit - i.e. infinite barrel rolls.

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    1,793 xiaofootball

    @rexrexThezion Have you tried flying it in cockpit view only? This is the most consistent way of seeing the effect of this bug. Alternatively, you can use a camera part. For the external views (chase cam, orbit cam) to be bugged, the main cockpit needs to be attached to a non-structural part (gizmos and Wing-3).

    4.4 years ago
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    44.6k rexzion

    it doesn't though? I set my cockpit far away to the right of the plane, I set the mass and drag to 0 so it would not change the CoM of the plane, the plane rotates just like it would if the cockpit was right on the plane

    4.4 years ago