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New project: Icarus Aerospace TAV

7,582 UltimatePlayer123  4.4 years ago

Yeah i know its been like a month since ive posted anything really mostly because like school and other things. However, Ive spent a good bit looking for a new big project to work on. And I think ive found it.

Icarus Aerospace Tactical Air Vehicle (TAV)

(Not sure if the image works, but if it does, cool!)

Go here for a short little breakdown on its website.

Project Summary

Basically I don't know a ton about it other than just basic specs and whatnot. The basic structure and details seem pretty simple, and it is going to look spectacular using the glass and smoothing released in the newest update.

My main focus here is instead going to be its features. I really want this to have good authority in the air and fly great. This is a priority for me over making it blueprint scale. I'm gonna try and make an instrument panel and HUD from scratch using the new glowing blocks so I can use that set of instruments for future builds.

Another important feature will be its optional pilot configuration. I will probably incorporate a system similar to Project AURORA except incorporating the new targeting FTs. Many people were complaining about AURORA's poor performance as it was introduced using one of SP's stock planes and I want to show the system on a more capable aircraft. I will also prioritize adding optionally enabled systems such as three axis gyros, fly by wire, and return to center, resembling Spektrum's AS3X/SAFE Select system to provide more flying assistance with a pilot, and I am glad to see systems like these becoming more common in SP.

What you can do to help

Theres a couple of things I would like from the community before I start this project. First and most importantly, I need a set of blueprints for this build. By blueprints I just mean basic front, side, and top view. I couldn't find any for this plane and I'm not entirely sure where I would find them so I would really appreciate if someone who knows more could help out. If you come across a blueprint either post it here or ping me in the SPBC Discord. You will be mentioned and tagged in the final build when it comes.

Lastly, as always for my forum posts, I would really love your opinions and advice. What do you think about this project? is this something you would like to see more of? Should I focus more on realism or flight characteristics? Your opinions really help so i'd appreciate if you put something down below.

That't it for this introduction. Please follow if you want to see the final creation.
Enjoy simpleplanesing!