Just found this bug. I was just taking a dodge ram pickup I downloaded from this website (modified it as offroad vehicle) then I spawned on yeager airport as normal but the scenery around me is pitch black (except the sky and the airport structure and pavement) it looks like whole krakabloa got nuked and the whole ground got severly burned then I decided to teleport to wright airport but it was normal and I went back to yeager then it went back to normal. (sorry cant post screenshots bcuz idk how) and I think its the games fault (bcuz I didnt spawn my self made nuke I have 4 of those with xml modded explosion scales)
Wait my screenshots got deleted
(insert angry Korean gamer jokes here)
Please give us screenshots (follow what MeowCo said)

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If you press any controls on slow loading devices before your aircraft spawns in properly, that happens. Used to happen to me a lot.
Basically just respawn