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personal opinion regarding the point limits

3,225 JeskoGoesVROOM  4.4 years ago

(this kinda a joke post but also not at the same time, idk anymore ive ran out of ideas)
i honestly think the gaps are a bit too big. theres like a 20k point difference between gold and platinum. i get that it's hard to obtain, but just make it a little less harder. here's my suggestion in case the ranks get changed up a bit:

paper: 0 to 100 points (stays the same)
bronze: 100 to 1000 points (stays the same)
silver: 1000 to 7500 points
gold: 7500 to 17500 points (anybody who got gold should keep it, meaning users who have entered 5000 before this (if this ever happens, probably not) will keep their gold rank)
platinum: 17500 to 30000 points
diamond: 30000 to 50000 points (new rank, basically turquoise/blue gradient as background)
50000+ points: players can customize their backgrounds to any color they want
62500+ points: players can also customize their name's color
75000+ points: congrats, you have insane amount of skill and determination, enjoy your bragging rights (jk no offense anybody)

moderator, developer and etc. ranks remain the same

i also think upvotes should be changed up a bit:
creation posts: 15 points (stay the same)
mod posts: they apparently earn 25 points per upvote, this should stay the same since it takes more effort to make a mod than a creation (in most cases)
video posts: 15 if made by yourself, 5 if not yours
forum posts: 2 points stay the same, but if you took a long time to make it (let's say, at least 50 rows of text and at least 1500 words) then you can get 5 points because your fingers deserve a break

anyways thats all
please dont be offended too much, i dont want to be the reason for causing the 3rd world war

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    30.1k TriStar

    Ud id not misspell yee
    Why is it not pasting aaaaaargh @JeskoGoesVROOM

    4.3 years ago
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    @JeskoGoesVROOM XD, good thing its just my keyboard fault that i can't press the button for time to time

    4.3 years ago
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    i type fast too, but at the cost of 10 spelling mistakes in one sentance due to me mis-pressing letters (punctation doesnt count here, just misspelled stuff like "yee" instead of "yes" @WarshipWarshipTheDude

    4.4 years ago
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    yeah i think i kinda overshot that, lemme edit

    4.4 years ago
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    30.1k TriStar

    If creations get 25 upvotes my point count would probbaly be at 17k

    4.4 years ago
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    Atleast 1500 words? Only that much? 1500 words is very little compared to the many very long books that i write in Wattpad :p, 1700, 2300, even 3500 words can be done in just about 2 hours, that is just how fast i type

    +1 4.4 years ago