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Aero Effect - Fanmade Fictional Storyline

3,225 JeskoGoesVROOM  4.3 years ago

One of Jundroo's other games, Aero Effect, has you take control a white-blue gradient "snake" of arrows through 50 challenging courses, but it doesn't have any "storyline", you just go through the levels and that's about it. So, to pass the time, i made a fictional storyline for it!


Firstly, the characters and factions:


Blue Faction/Aero Team: the main protagonist team, our controllable character is part of it.
Green Faction/Bounce Team: They use special materials to make stuff bounce.
Orange Faction/Lava Team: One of the antagonist teams. They can severly damage Aero Team members.
Magenta Faction/Nebula Team: A strange group of people coming somewhere from outer space. They can generate photon waves to move objects.
Red Faction/Hell Faction/Hell Team: The other antagonist team. They make use of armored trusses, but their materials are not very strong and shatter easily.


Aero (main protagonist)
Space Invaders: Blue, Green, and Orange Faction have these. They can fire bullets and place stationary objects.
Aero Racers: Appearing in only level 1-10,these have some serious speed.
The Vacuum: Used by Aero Team to suck up Lava Team's objects. It has sucked up so much it actually uses the lava to protect itself. Only appears in level 4-10.
Hell Invader: Originally a Space Invader from Lava Team, it is now used by Hell Team and can cripple opposing forces.
Vortex Portals: They can teleport you.


The Sky: Home of Aero Team. Very peaceful and easy to navigate.
Dezadobos: Home of Bounce Team. It frequently suffers vortex portal attacks.
Sakjarong: A large planet that is essentially a spherical volcano. Home of Lava Team.
Nebulae Epicenter: Often described as "a large cloud of mist", the home of the Nebula Team surely has some weird things.
Hellcross: Home of the Hell Team. It has been extensively industrialized by the team.

*Notice: Stage 3,4, and 5 have their own "castle", typically the last, or last 2 (level 9 and 10) levels of the stage. *

Now, for some actual storyline-ish things:

The story begins with Aero going for a trip around the local galaxy. It first must go down the Sky Dimension, which it found out was being invaded by the nearby Lava Team.

After defeating the minor obstacles, it moves on to the planet Dezadobos. Here, the Bounce Team was also attacked by the Lava Team, With the help of Bounce Team, which Aero Team allied with a few years ago, Aero defeats the now bigger obstacle.

The next stop is the enemy base. Lava Team's heavily fortified volcano has gravity-defying lava everywhere; even on the walls! Aero manages to reach and severly damage the castle core even in these insane circumstances.

Lava Team's power was lessened quite significantly. Aero moves on to a more peaceful location: Nebulae Epicenter. It was also attacked by the intruders. Using the help of the photon wave generators, Aero defeated the ever-growing lava. The Orange Faction decided to ally with Aero Team, and thus also allied with Bounce Team and Nebula Team.

Aero and the lava entities went through a rogue Vortex Portal, which lead to the worst place they've found yet: The planet of Hellcross.
This molten planet has a single elevator-shaft like tube on the planet's north pole, leading straight to the core castle. After going through a long way, bordered by scenic red lava lakes and heavily metalized trusses, which the Lava Team's members destroyed, it meets the Hell Invader.

This fearsome opponent significantly damaged Aero, but after some times, Aero used an Aero Boost, and going so fast it sliced through the Invader, which, due to being directly linked to the castle core, set off the self-destruct on the planet.

Aero and the rest of it's allies quickly escaped the planet, which exploded about 1 minute after they got to a safe distance.

They returned to their own homes and Aero thanked the allies for helping to destroy one of the most feared team in the universe. Each allied team celebrated for this victory, and everyone forgave Lava Team for their terrible actions.

Pardon me for the Terraria references (and other references), i have extreme bias that i cannot control.