Guys plz help when I build aircraft with jet or rear engine the plane suddenly pitches then does a straight up spin by itself then crash after takeoff how to fix it and how to adjust center of lift, center of mass, etc
how to stop/fix sudden unwanted pitch and horizontal spin (for jet engine and rear engine planes)
3,508 SheriffHackdogMCPE
4.4 years ago
If you can't make it spin by doing violent maneuver you are more than 70% the right way.
@GuyFolk ok thanks for the tip.
Will upload an aircraft so I can prove that im right
Dead weight is good enough.
Mass scale in xml can amplify the dead weight you put in.
@SheriffHackdogMCPE Deadweight, though massScale works too.
@Guy folk or xml the mass scale
@GuyFolk dead weight?
Or you can move the wings backward too, if that not mess up your design.
I assume you know what and where to find center of lift and center of mass.
This is common behavior of a tail heavy aircraft.
Just add more weight to the front part to get CoM in front of CoL (how much is depend on the plane) will do the trick.
When you select a part, there will be a gear icon pop up, click on that and there will be part's option.
Fuselage part will have an option to add weight.