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How can I use activation groups to use pistons and rotators?

2,332 Kekko  4.4 years ago

I need help, I'm trying to add a key to a boat that I'm creating.
I want to use a piston to make the key appear and a rotator to make it rotate, if I use them with Vtol and trim they works but if I use an activation group they go to the max range and don't respond anymore.
I don't know what to do

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    2,332 Kekko

    @jamesPLANESii thanks

    4.4 years ago
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    Here @Kekko

    +3 4.4 years ago
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    2,332 Kekko

    @jamesPLANESii I want to do something like that if you press 1 then the key pops out and after like a second turn and after you deactivate 1 the key turn and then after a second disappear, do you know how can i do this?

    4.4 years ago
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    2,332 Kekko

    @jamesPLANESii now it works, thanks

    4.4 years ago
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    You need to capitalise the A in Activate. @Kekko

    +2 4.4 years ago
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    4.4 years ago
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    2,332 Kekko

    @MrVaultech I've already tried, if I write just "1" the piston is down (it's inverted) and if I press 1 it do nothing and if I write "activate1" it stay up but still do nothing if I press 1

    4.4 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    Put "activate[1-8]" into the input of the piston and rotators so it'll activate on a AG

    +1 4.4 years ago