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How to make custom wings!

1,384 Cassius  4.3 years ago

This is for everyone who doesn’t know how to make wings from fuselage parts and still have the aircraft fly. I still didn’t know how to do this until a couple days ago when @SavageMan told me how. It’s actually very simple you guys! All you have to do is add a default wing and edit it until you have the desired lift and your airplane flies normally. The next step is to design your custom wing using fuselage parts and shape it how you want. Next you will want to use the scale tool in the fine tuner or overload xml modding and scale the default wing down to a point where you can hide it inside your custom wing. Scaling down the wings will NOT affect the amount of lift your plane produces. It will also mean that the control surfaces on the default wing still work and control the aircraft, letting you design custom control surfaces that don’t have to be functional. The shape of your custom wing will not affect how your plane flies as long as it is properly balanced and doesn’t produce too much drag, so you can as crazy of wings as you want. I hope this helps you guys out, and makes your builds even better!

Go check out @SavageMan! He just released a brand new luxury Cessna that is a fantastic build and tell him thanks