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[Teaser] Project Lost Cause

28.9k TWDDerSharkmarine  4.4 years ago

They don't even care about her existence...
Everyone treated her like normal...
Some even ranted her...
little did they know...

she hold something to destroy a country

Behind the curtain of lies she hides
A curtain that was never been opened before
Except to some lucky people
Some that were trusted by Trislandia


This submarine will refine the meaning of Deception
Deception to an unlucky country that want something
A country that want Trislandia to be his puppet
But he never realized it


Before Trislandia would be betrayed by him
Trislandia would betray him first
Launching a WMD to difficult targets
A weapon to end and start another war

A Message Or Two

Never underestimate what a small country could do
Always look through the finest of lies
Always look through the finest little clue
Maybe you will find the answer

Normal, Or Is It?

She's not a normal submarine
How could everyone took my bait?
I literally show her main weapon bay that hold the said WMD
The answer is already in front of your eyes

Am i just too good at hiding clues?
Even a simple message
"Don't worry about that 4 big holes in the sail"
"Its for Rotary VLS"

The Vertical Missile Tube

The Missile From The Submarine

How could everybody be so blind by such an obvious clue
Am i really just too good at spreading misinformation?
A little country backstabbing and destroying a big country
Sounds like something that is new isn't it?

Her Appearance

Diving to the depth

She's gonna go to the open sea
Stealthy, Silent, and Deadly
You won't find her anymore
Once its gone, its gone

The Last Aerial Photo Of Her Leaving

Cryptic messages that you miss

"Its not like im gonna backstab somebody"
"Or am i?"

"Its just tubes for Rotary VLS"
"Or is it?"

"Im not gonna backstab you right?"
"Or would i?"

Crucial piece of information can be found in its simplest form

"Im not gonna backstab you"


(Menacing and Evil little giggle)

Bye then everyone~

"One million lives will be saved at the cost of a mere million lives..."

"Landing a clean shot on a difficult target..."

- Captain Mattias Torres

Well, i bet you guys pretty surprised eh?
A submarine to end a war and start another one
Such a fitting line from our beloved AC Captain of the Alicorn
Right, onwards putting finishing touches and maybe add some more warcrime onboard
Because who didn't love warcrime am i right?
For the shenanigans

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