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how do i apply funkytrees code to mech legs?

243 celidon  4.4 years ago

i have no clue how to do this, is there like a button or option?

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    23.4k Axartar

    @PolarcapAeronautics in simple planes, its a collection of code. for example "time","explosionScale". it controls aspects of parts. In simple its basic (except when its not basic) code for simple planes

    4.4 years ago
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    What the hell is a funky tree

    4.4 years ago
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    you need code

    4.4 years ago
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    23.4k Axartar

    overload. then put it in input section for rotators then for basic mech functions
    hip joint: sin(time*180)
    knee joint cos(time*180)
    ankle joint sin(time*180)

    4.4 years ago
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    @creca Absolutely. Making walkers is really hard, so don't get discouraged. There's a lot of people trying to solve the same problems you are so hang in there.

    4.4 years ago
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    243 celidon

    @F104Deathtrap THANK YOU SO MUCH!

    +1 4.4 years ago
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    Make sure Finetuner is enabled under the Mods section of the main menu, then use finetuner (blue button, towards the bottom of the build screen).

    You usually enter the Funky code into the "input" section of a rotator or other moving part.

    Here's a guide to Funky Trees

    Here's a guide to using XML

    I reccomend you read about XML first and experiment with it before getting into Funky Trees. This stuff isn't easy, but its amazingly powerful.

    4.4 years ago