ThIS iS a ToTaLLy OrInGINaL IdEa, WiTh A NoN CoPyPaSTeD TiTLe.
pic to flex on those people beneath me:
okay for real, you don't need some guy flexing on you, and I mean no offense to the original poster, his builds are cool. I just want the newer members to know they'll make it, if they care enough to do it. If i can make it, anybody can (it's taken me 2 years to get where i am). You guys will get to gold earlier. I just want everyone to know it's okay to have 5 downloads on planes. If you need support, contact me by tagging me. this is not gonna be a cooking book esque story where you know how I learned to make brownies because my grandpa drank water that one time.
Actual things of note:
Use the blocks. Use them until you feel ready. When you're ready, you can jump into fuselage. It took me about 5 months to feel like I'd try. Once you've done it, practice makes everything better.
Download other people's design and incorporate them into your plane. Doing this can help as a short - term aid, but also teaches you in the long term. Doing this is only okay as long as the people are credited.
Be patient. Its gonna take a while to get popular. Im 2 years in and still havent reached 10000 points. Others have done it in mere months. Dont focus on them, but instead better urself. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
it's taken me 14 years, and I still don't know how to make brownies, even though my grandma has had multiple glasses of water. 2/10. Defiantly a scam.
@WiiMini. The master of cheering people up.
I used fuselage blocks on my 2nd plane lol
@FireFast212 lol
F L E X 👌
@MoonCat80 lmao
No probs!
@JKudasai aww thanks man
@rexrexThezion lol