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Nexus Industries: Next Project Community Vote.

30.5k CookingWithCinderBlocks  4.4 years ago

I've been studding other peoples creations and decided I need to beat my AT-AT Thomas remake (it gets embarrassing when your best creation is a edited version of someone else's creation.)
So here are the planes and their description, I have no photos because they don't exist yet, so you'll just have to vote off of the descriptions.

Nexus Ravager 10-80:

A Multi-purpose aircraft with a crew of four, meant for Blitz attacks and single target strike missions. Sometimes engage in dog fights, but that is not recommend with this heavy fighter.

Air-to-Air: Locking missiles along with 150mm canons, with additional 50mm machine guns. This arrangement is for fighter-to-bomber combat.

Air-to-Ground: Blitz Addition: Loading with ten micro-bombs, blitz pods (Rocket pods loaded with about 12 rockets,) and two 150mm cannons. This was designed to release as much explosives and shells as possible in a short time span.

Air-to-Ground: Single Strike: This arrangement only has one MAW (Militarized Atomic Weapon) bomb. Caution, the only other defense the heavy fighter will have are counter measures with this arrangement.

Bendrugder Wafer Bomber (Nexus Edition):

A large flying fortress with the idea of wiping off an entire city with one run.
With the ability to turn quickly and fly at high speeds gives this heavy bomber the ability to fly over and drop many bombs over a single large target.
Though it's only defense is from a tail and nose gunner along with it's counter measures.
It's arrangement usually consists of five MAW bombs and a payload of fifty micro-bombs (may be changed in the design.)

Nexus Winded Piper:

A weird name for a plane, but this is a prototype parasite fighter, meant to be loaded into the bays of bombers and deployed in mid flight. The Engine on one side and the cockpit on the other, due to how small it needed to be, the plane does not have room for a arsenal of weaponry. But it is fast and maneuverable with the assistance of an anti-logical engine.
The Piper's arrangement only consists of a single 50mm machine gun and a 50mm cannon.

If you want more design ideas, let me know!

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    i’m voting 3 even though this post is 10 months old and this probably won’t be seen

    3.5 years ago
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    Im voting for 2, because Illogical engine triggers me, pretty much all illogical thing tbh, but then, i also make illogical thing (my Jar lol)

    4.4 years ago