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Am I making a realistic car for once? ( teaser)

64.2k PapaKernels  4.4 years ago

So if you cant tell by the title I'm making an actually realistic car for once, and not be, well, not the best. This is going to be my more prized builds, as it is starting to shape up to be a really good car.

stuff I need to do

Headers and tail pipes
finishing up the roll cage
And I might make a shell but that will be in another version
So when I'm done I would like to have the community make a shell for the car, the only think that can be added to is the shell, the roll cage has to be the same. I'd like to see what the community would create with the blank canvas that is the roll cage.

if you would like to be tagged on the roll cage and participate in making a shell for the car then "T and I would like to participate in the shell challenge"

Rules will be made in the actual post itself, so you'll have to wait til then. This is seriously going to be the best car I have made yet, cant wait for it to be done.

progress update

Looking mighty fine. Liking how its shaping up. Currently at 130 parts and about 2-4 hours spent

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    64.2k PapaKernels

    I was messing around with some stuff and like ligit this thing is beautiful, probably the only part that's going to be bad is the suspension. Also sence taking the picture I made the front nose a bit better. I brought out the 2 bars closer to the middle and brought it up to the corner at the front and rounded it off. Makes it look alot better

    Pinned 4.4 years ago
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    64.2k PapaKernels

    @RankStarfish201 ok will do. Will be released very soon finishing up the description now for the main post. I'll tag you now for the unlisted so you can get to work. Rules and stuff are going to be in the description of the post.

    4.4 years ago
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    @PapaKernels Just the unlisted one since i didnt help with the build

    4.4 years ago
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    64.2k PapaKernels

    @RankStarfish201 its going to have two different posts, the one I'm publishing is going to have a pre-built shell and I'll have a link to an unlisted post for the one with out the shell. Do you want me to tag you on the main post or, just for ease, the unlisted post?

    4.4 years ago
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    @PapaKernels thanks and good luck

    4.4 years ago
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    64.2k PapaKernels

    @RankStarfish201 It will be out by tonight. I have got most of the stuff addressed so just need to edit the thumbnail and gets some cool pics for the description.

    4.4 years ago
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    64.2k PapaKernels

    @RankStarfish201 alright I'll tag you on the post. Should be out maybe tonight but tomorrow at the latest. I just need to do some final trials and some bug fixes and it will be ready.

    4.4 years ago
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    @PapaKernels you need any help im the guy
    Ps i would love to make a shell for it!

    4.4 years ago
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    64.2k PapaKernels

    @WiiMini ok. You shall be taged on the final product. Also I have a progress update as well. Shaping up really well

    4.4 years ago
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    +1 4.4 years ago
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    44.6k rexzion

    @PapaKernels ok

    4.4 years ago
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    64.2k PapaKernels

    @Lixcuudis I just flipped the mirroring from right to left and that fixed it. Even after flipping it back it still works so I dont know what happened

    4.4 years ago
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    64.2k PapaKernels

    @rexrexThezion idk

    4.4 years ago
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    4,320 Lixcuudis

    @PapaKernels It's most likely cause you set the the suspension's mass to 0. If not that, I'm not sure.

    4.4 years ago
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    44.6k rexzion

    @PapaKernels who

    4.4 years ago
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    64.2k PapaKernels

    @rexrexThezion probably was thinking of someone else

    4.4 years ago
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    44.6k rexzion

    @PapaKernels you thought I made cars? how did you think of that lmao

    4.4 years ago
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    64.2k PapaKernels

    @rexrexThezion thanks. I thought you did that's why I asked. I really couldn't think of anyone else. I flipped the mirroring and that seemed to have fixed it. Now I know I need to mirror on the left not the right, opposite to what I'm used to.

    4.4 years ago
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    44.6k rexzion

    @PapaKernels I don't make cars bruh. I'll try to answer your question anyways,
    1. check collisions
    2. springs may have diff strengths
    3. pray to the gods that somehow you will fix this issue and it won't mess up your entire build.
    edit: you could also make a completely new suspension. it could be the exact same design it's just that you made it from scratch again.

    4.4 years ago
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    64.2k PapaKernels

    Why would one side of the suspension would be lower down than the other, even with the CoM in the middle? The left side of the suspension Is lower than the right side and i have no idea why. If you could answer this that would be appreciated. @rexrexThezion your the only one I thought of that could help with this

    4.4 years ago
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    64.2k PapaKernels

    Aldo I'm perfectly at 6,500 points, pretty satisfying

    4.4 years ago