An Throttleable FT input if you have the time to type it down please do. :)
How does one make a forever rotating rotator that doesn't reset its spin when you turn it off? (Also any good SP discord?)
2,519 Aldriech
4.4 years ago
I'm bad at FT but yeah about Discord servers, there's SPBC and Azure Corp which I'm in
There's others like Wing works and a few others
@Aldriech for a discord, look at my bio
@APilotOfPlanes Thank you!
sum([insert however many times faster you want it to spin]*Throttle)
@XP @APilotOfPlanes is there a way to make the rotator s p e e n faster? I just noticed that the speed slider doesn't work and it rotates at a constant speed
sum(The input u want)
Port SP on EternalDarkness Profile is good