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Inacurate summary of aces of termacael (Part 1)

10.7k Mast3rmem  4.4 years ago

disclaimer: This is a parody by Max0r Inacurate summary of ace combat series. because this needs his voice to fully understand the jokes and also this have many cursed words so yeah kinda not family friendly also the events here are based off roleplay from the termacael universe rp


You playing as 3 Character at once across different story archs. trying to stop the belkans I mean deliver a ever lasting peace across the world from evil zainy terorist and bad guys. (plot twist never happened)
You have a cool buddy called viper and george. The one is a simp and the other is a chad.

The game takes place in the Termacael universe, Like all white men with disbposible income, The netizen of termacael spend their money on giant super weapons.
You have 3 story lines to play
Side note (all of them have very questionable)

One, you played as a childish pilot served under anime land.

Second, you played as a wierd mix of PIXY and Mihaly have kids.

And Third where you play as an absolute chad in the royal simp airforce where the queen herself. Rosa cossett d li- I mean Sasha gives you the N pass.

And this is the INACURATE SUMMARY of Aces of termacael.

ACT 1: B7R

Mission briefing with max0r voice:
"Ok everyone... Ignore the subtitle at the bottom, I dunno what causing them.
Ok your task is to patrol B7R for some reason." Choose your own adventure

It doesn't matter.
So you playing as george and you have your cool mate Viper. Goes to B7R to kill some wierdos, You take the lead, Crushing the enemy with no reprocusion whatsoever.
You gunned them down violently. Then viper had a stupid idea like an uncultured swine.

"How about we turn on eachother just once it will be funny trust me"

"Wait wtf Viper"

And you had your first boss fight
Don't worry It will be fine

"You Died"

Viper: "Holy shit how did he rewind time"

Press retry

So you both succeed with definetly minor damage to your aircraft, Both survived then the story focused on hibiki.

Hibiki (Marble) was a young boi who served under anime land. Hibiki sent to B7R for live combat training, Like any other white men with disbposible income. Like if he's gone he's gone. So you and your buddy viper sent to intercept him because this is free for all, It was a tough fi-

" You Died"

Hibiki: "Holy shit how did he rewind time?"
So anyways this mission uses extensive plot armor so fuck it skip it.

ACT 2: Royal Simp Airforce

Then the story focused on George and absolute madlad and chad. Turns out he's the queen's boyfriend all along. You are given a free access to like almost anything, Like seriously isn't this supposed to be a top secret multi million dollar plane?

Mission briefing with Max0r voice:
"Ok we need to test our new fighter aircraft. So it will be nice if we fly it above the royal palace. It will be fine no issue"

So you are sent to test flight, you do anything like a good dog. Then you like go above the palace and breaking several aviation laws. But you are her boyfriend so fuck it.

Then you returned to base bu then suddenly hears sapin guitar in the distance.

Hibiki: "Cluck cluck cluck hello there"
ATC: "who the fuck is this guy?"

So you are ordered to chase the aircraft finding out it was the black F14 you just encountered earlier

So anyways you, Viper and blue squadron intercept the F-14, to stop the rouge aircraft. So you fly in between building, hope that doesn't kill children I swear the developer have not gamefied points into it.

Then you realised that F14 can talk, Then Viper had a good idea... For once

Viper: "Stop"
Hibiki: "But I didn't fired anything"
Viper: "Look down mf"
Hibiki: "Wait wtf am I doing here"

So you feel a sigh of relief. But then you feel a nemesis on the jaws of victory. About 10 planes appeard, but these aren't normal ones


Nakamura: "Ok we have a rouge children I mean pilot.
Did you guys seen it?"
George: "You mean this?"
Nakamura: "Ah okay. Hibiki return now."
Hibiki: "I wanna play with those Greglandian children"
Nakamura: "Your a fighter plane mf"
Hibiki: "Oh yeah"

This mission like takes forever
It takes fucking forever. So that wierd mission is done.

Mission briefing with Max0r voice: "Okay we don't know what the fuck is going on, we confirmed some UFO flying in our airspace."
So you playing as george again go with viper again, Patroling the airspace for some reason then... that same F14 appears.

Hibiki: "Hoo hoo hoo I'm back bitches"
Viper: "Oh gawd"
Hibiki: "Time to have fun"
Gladly no missiles are fir-
Bismarckian squadron: "Hello hello"
YK Squadron: "Hello hello"

Viper: "Ok george but I think I don't feel comfortable with these guys"
Bismarckian squadron: Caramel dansen playing

Some confusion happened and you think this part doesn't make sense. Don't worry the developers also rushed it, but then some wackyness hapened. You feel money scrubbing in the skies above you

Cotherian arsenal bird: "Time to pay your taxes"

So you and your newfound buddies unite to take down amazon flying warehouse. Cotherian bird has missiles wtf, shields I mean. And then drones. After learning it's true intentions, the entire Simp airforce is triggered. And poof arsenal bird is no more, It was only around for 1 mission.

To be continued

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    7,342 Darkhound

    sips tea Yall...

    4.3 years ago
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    @One2 Really, so you want to talk about how the Protagonist has blood flow that's unaffected by gravity. Or moments where certain characters survive things they shouldn't. Or even in Ace Combat Assault Horizon, when Guts eats a missile hit for you, you Shoot out his canopy with you Gun, irl that would have killed Guts, but then again...Plot. The V2 mid-air explosion should have killed the AWACS and damaged you from the shockwave, then again plot. The Protagonist able to eat two or three from EML or TLS lasers while you one-shot everyone with your own EML or TLS, or just being able to eat more missile hits than your enemy in general......Plot. Your calling our server unrealistic, but its heavily based off of Ace combat, and Bandai Namco didn't aim for the realistic aspect of the game either. Go stick to DCS if you don't want any Plot based combat.

    4.3 years ago
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    10.7k Mast3rmem

    @One2 This is from the side server not the main one

    4.3 years ago
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    10.7k Mast3rmem

    @One2 why don't you join the server lol and see it for your self

    4.3 years ago
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    @One2 You also seem to forget that we do plot based stories sometimes, so certain physics are traded out for character building and more memorable scenes

    4.3 years ago
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    @One2 I guess you never seen a B-17 piggyback another B-17 back to base

    4.3 years ago
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    10.7k Mast3rmem

    @One2 It's ace combat what do you expect

    4.3 years ago
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    @One2 You can't handle the wholesomeness of our server? They could have easily let me crash and burn

    4.3 years ago
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    5,683 chibikitsune

    le sigh
    Bro, relax

    4.4 years ago
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    When they think you have one arsenal bird...

    4.4 years ago