Hello all, just writing this post to let you know that my 747-400 has now passed 3000 parts without any interior. Each wing is 840 parts, due to engines being 118 each and the landing gear (just one strut) being 117. Here are some pictures. The version with cockpit will be 5000-6000, while the version without cockpit will be 3500-4000.
The eagle-eyed of you may notice that the ils markers on the pfd are actually in green (the diamonds). This is because the airplane has automatically functioning IlS markers for wright airport. They even change runways (18 to 36) automatically. This is a huge leap forward in technology for this program. The markers make flying the airplane at the right glide path so much easier. It tells you if you are off course, too high or low or left and right.
Edit: fuselage section alone is currently 1378 parts. I think it’s worth it though, just look how smooth the hump to body transition is!
hey @KLM_747 i think it would be agreat idea if you make the one with no small details for some high end smartphone
You must have a really good computer...
I like 747-400 KLM 100 years @KLM_747
I like 747-400 KLM 100 years color @KLM-747
my laptop cant handle this lol
@KLM_747 exactly lol
Oh. I think that the PFD screen will actually be around that number or a little higher. @UltraLight
@KLM_747 lol sorry, I say "would be" because I can run about 350 parts so yeah, no chance I can run it
@UltraLight It already is! And there are so many more features coming!
Woooooow that ILS thing would be sick
@CenturyAerospace lol
@PlaneFlightX it probably could, but you would have to ask NASA to borrow one of their computers
@CRJ900Pilot Thank you!
Basically, the plane know which runway you are using by figuring out which way you are traveling. If your rate(Latitude) is positive, you are heading between 271 and 89 degrees. If negative, your heading is between 91 and 269. Therefore if your rate is positive, you will be heading north and landing on runway 36. The code then calculates the touchdown point of runway 36, and aligns the imaginary ILS line to be a 1/15 slope from that position. because the airport is not at sea level, I made the line 71 meters higher.
Next step is to make it automatically work with Yeager too (But because the airport is not perfectly aligned with the compass, it will be a lot harder).
Woah, this is looking amazing! I can’t wait to try out that ILS
This is the best 747 plane on the universe I do have a computer but I don't know how to download simple planes
@KLM_747 wowie
@PlaneFlightX Cool!
@YourWife The finished plane will be tested on a different computer, but yes the wings run at 6 fps for one, 2 fps for two, and about 1 fps for wings and body (3072 parts)
"6 fps" i felt that
@KLM_747 As on Task Manager: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8750H CPU @ 2.20GHz
Also its an 8th gen. Also i use a laptop.
Btw I just built a new computer for this airplane, i7-2600 16GB DDR3, GTX 1660 6GB @PlaneFlightX Which i7 do you have?
Well you see, I only run the finished 757 at 5 FPS, I built each component individually and then assemble them on an i5 1060 PC. For example, the components that I build are:
One wing
Cockpit in three parts
Then I assemble these together, test flight dynamics, and I’m done! @PlaneFlightX
@KLM_747 (Computer.exe has malfunctioned, cause = 6000 PARTS ON A CELERON???) My laptop, i7, 16GB DDR4, GTX 1050 4GB, runs 20 fps all low execpt for physics, when I tried your 757...
Just full cockpit consisting of main panel, overhead panel, and center console, @CenturyAerospace .
Yup @PlaneFlightX
I am using an intel Celeron N2940 and integrated graphics. 4GB DDR3. @UtsuhoReiuji