Today, Krakabloan Supreme Minister/President @SheriffHackdogMCPE signed an agreement to give independence to Snowstone Republic, with @NexusGaming as it's first president. The Council of Sovereignty, along with its 49 over 10 of its congressmen and 80 (members of the ruling Supreme Democracy Party) over 10 of senators voted to give the island to @NexusGaming. However, SheriffHackdogMCPE offered to keep Krakabloan military presence and its military properties (including the Base in Avalanche Airport and the missile launcher facility in the mountains)in the newly formed Snowstone Republic. The president of Krakabloan Federation also planned to go to Maywar for a apology and pardon treaty, despite the blame on Krakabloan Federation for illegally flying a military aircraft over Maywar without permission.
Disclaimer: this is a roleplay with political related words, remember, I'm not talking about real politics, just a role play (I decided to put politics on a country role-playing bcuz thats how a country works)
Krakabloan Federation Signed Agreement To Acknowledge Independence of Newly formed Snowstone Republic
3,508 SheriffHackdogMCPE
4.3 years ago
@SheriffHackdogMCPE No I mean what is the discord called?
@2LtnofWWII it's a chat app with sections or 'channels' try to install on play store
What is the discord thingy? @SheriffHackdogMCPE
@SheriffHackdogMCPE oh
@NexusGaming dude its a j30-400vc by cm aircraft manufacturing with countermeasures check my account then go to aircraft posts
@MTakach OK, im making a channel in my discord, u can join if u have discord
@WiiMini yeah sure lay it one me
@DerpTheSoyacfartala I am a member of the CLevic board. we are interested in a cargo transport deal with our newest CACPT turboprop aircraft. Are you interested
sighs time to nuke another island
CLevic does not act in offense
@SheriffHackdogMCPE by the way i'm making the mystery plane later
I had my on RP (I still have the nation)
ah, another Roleplay. I do suggest that you get a discord, because once this gets big (depending on how many people join) you will get requests from people to not do it on the website.
@SheriffHackdogMCPE thanks, we're allied to you guys now so if you need our heavy lift helicopters or stuff like that just ask
Thanks! Anything I need to do? @SheriffHackdogMCPE
@2LtnofWWII OK, ur a general of my armed forces in this role-playing
ooh can i please participate in this role play? coz i am bored of obliterating the uss beast and uss tiny two convoys and the truck convoy with over powered xml modded weapons