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USS Beast Latitude

913 moistcottonbud  4.3 years ago

Alright this question goes to the devs...

I noticed the latitude of the USS Beast changes everytime you spawn. I noticed this working on a lateral glide path system for carrier landings, basically I spawned on the "USS Beast Aircraft Carrier" and then "USS Beast Catapult" WITHOUT restarting the game. But the latitude of my aircraft changed much more than it should.

I also tried spawning on the "USS Beast Aircraft Carrier" wait 10-20 seconds and then spawn on the same point, the latitude again changes and goes back to the latitude when I first restarted the game.

I think this is a bug, if you know any sort of relation regarding the location of the USS Beast do share it with me.

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    165 mateo973

    easter egg

    2.9 years ago
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    26.9k OwO

    @moistcottonbud the ship does turn

    4.3 years ago
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    26.9k OwO

    the ship changes direction as it moves
    i am pretty sure it either goes all the way around the island
    or in circles back to where it originally was

    4.3 years ago
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    64.2k PapaKernels

    @moistcottonbud I'm not saying the latitude is changing I'm saying the ship itself is changing

    4.3 years ago
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    @PapaKernels I think you misunderstood, first of all the Longitude never changes, it always goes North so it doesn't rotate.

    Even if it did rotate that would not explain me spawning on the same point 20 seconds later to find out my latitude shows I shifted back a couple of hundred meters when the carrier is going forward

    4.3 years ago
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    64.2k PapaKernels

    It is just the way it's going. As it goes it rotates and the latitude changes.

    4.3 years ago