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My nerves are in a critical stage

1,653 Theful1941  4.3 years ago

I'm almost at my limit. My nerves are supercharged and i'm almost in a breakdown state. The only thing i wish is death because maybe there somebody will listen to me. I can't withstand it anymore. My brain are almost going critical and i just want to die. Wish i had someone who actually listen to me and which would like to talk with me so i could end my suffering. I'm almost wanting to commit deathpacito so maybe i find someone who truly likes me in another dimension

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    23.9k FeatherWing

    You're very welcome. There are definitely people here that you can lean on if you need.
    And it's good to hear you appreciate this positivity ☺

    +1 4.3 years ago
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    1,653 Theful1941

    Thank y'all for the positive comments. I'm truly experiencing rough times but thanks to the help of y'all, i'm sure that great days will come

    4.3 years ago
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    7,270 Learpot

    Don’t do it, it’s not worth it, just think about it. Everything is gone when you decide to do it. Your family, your loved ones, and all of the interesting things along the way. If you die, existing in another dimension is not quite true, dying is like never being born and you would likely be well nothing, you’re unconscious for who knows how long. Do whatever helps, grab some drinks, cheer up, watch a movie. Even though some people might not be there for you, I will, and the community will. You still have a purpose in life. Remember this.

    +3 4.3 years ago
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    30.1k TriStar

    Here's an upvote to cheer you up @theful1941

    +1 4.3 years ago
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    18.8k NexusGaming

    @Theful1941 i like you, so now hooray you don't have to disappear

    +1 4.3 years ago
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    18.8k NexusGaming

    @thebanbehindtheslaughter same except i did not do it because i don't know what is on the other side (if there even is one)

    +1 4.3 years ago
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    Please do not do it. The day you get help, gradually life shows its beauty. Life's a gift. Remember. Remember that the second you hang yourself or take an overdose, that there is no second chance. There is no restart. There is only one life. So live it. Because we don't know what's on that other side. Could be nothing, could be heaven and hell, depending on what you believe. But the truth is that life can be a double edged sword. But you control which edge cuts you. Please don't. There is no second chance. Talk to your family, friends, go to a hospital and spill it. As long as you're putting suicide off the table, you've achieved the first step.

    Because mate, we may not know each other, but I'm honestly going to miss you, and many more will in the community. Please back away, and call it. Talk to someone. Remember, suicide may be a "release" for you, but remember what it does to the people around you. The people who found you, loved you, talked to you. Suicide is also a double edged sword in itself.

    +5 4.3 years ago
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    41.9k Ren

    Thats a suicide prevention hotline. Dude, don't do this. Don't. Its a terrible sin, and there are far better ways to fix this. Talk to a therapist, watch a movie, pet your cat/dog if you have one, anything is better than ending it all yourself. Call the number at the top of this comment if neccessary. Now, I'm no expert at comfort talks, but I know that suicide is not the way. Get some help dude. Stay safe out there.
    Signed, KnightOfRen

    +4 4.3 years ago
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    If you were thinking about suicide, don't, its not worth it, your suicide will be a little speck of nothingness compared to a lot of other people that dies in a war, in an accident etc, and since it was such a little speck its not worth the pain and suffering waiting yourself die because of bleeding, remember about your family or pets, if yu die your family will be sad, and who will feed your pets? even though i was emotionless reading this, i can assure you i still have emotions to say nice things

    WilburSoot in Dream SMP talking to Tommyinit about killing Jschlat: Killing Jschlat wouldn't do anything, killing him wouldn't fix a single thing
    And so do you, if you kill yourself it won't fix a single thing and won't do anything

    +2 4.3 years ago
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    7,513 SuperRoto

    Talk to a good friend you can trust and can listen, it’s never a good idea to commit suicide. It takes the pain from you and gives it to your friends and family. Just do what you need to to get better, ok?

    +2 4.3 years ago
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    23.9k FeatherWing

    Also, please go look up a Suicide prevention phone number, website, anything like that. I would give you something, but I don't know where in the world you are, so this is the best I can do.

    +2 4.3 years ago
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    23.9k FeatherWing

    Good lord..
    If you are being serious, DON'T.DO.IT.
    It's such a terrible thing to do, taking your own life, a mortal sin or something like that as some people would say.
    Please, talk with someone, preferably a professional.
    Also, there are good people out there who will support you regardless, trust me. This community is an example of that.
    I don't want to see someone saying that they want to do this ever.
    So please, don't do it. @Theful1941

    +2 4.3 years ago
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    i also wanted to commit suicide before
    but then i realized that it's not a good thing
    it does not work
    it is not okay to end your life
    don't do it, bro
    we will support you i you want
    take your cat/dog/a girl friend and watch a movie together
    take some medication

    +3 4.3 years ago
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    21.8k Brendorkus

    Listen man, your entering a dark phase right now. I don’t know you, or anything about you. But, I do care about you, were all friends here. I’m not very good with comforting talks, so here is the suicide hotline. 800-273-8255 When your done, put on some comfy clothes, pet a dog or cat (if you have one), make something to eat, and watch a movie. Stay safe, buddy.

    +3 4.3 years ago
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    What ever you do, don’t commit suicide, There are many people here that are more than happy to listen and help!
    (Also I’d strongly recommend seeing someone for help as well, ie therapist, people like that)

    +2 4.3 years ago
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    3,656 Dathcha

    I have had this problem for half a year, I suggest just doing something you like when you feel like this. Maybe play your favorite game or have a yummy snak

    +1 4.3 years ago
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    107k GuyFolk

    Just don't do it.
    Go grab something nice to eat, get some nice sleep.
    And after that if that "thought" still remains, go to the doctor and tell them everything.
    Sneak out of your house/school if that is what it takes.
    Don't give up.

    +10 4.3 years ago
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    30.1k TriStar

    This is in real life? If so, please don’t, it’s a christian sin to commit suicide. God woudln’t like you doing that

    +1 4.3 years ago
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    Pls don't, really, it isn't going to fix anything

    +1 4.3 years ago
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    Dude, please don't commit suicide, its not a great idea, its not going to end well.

    +2 4.3 years ago
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    4,038 YoDudeChase

    Please dont

    4.3 years ago
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    44.6k rexzion

    don't commit suicide
    I'm serious

    +9 4.3 years ago