I see many creations that have words and pictures on the screenshot, but I still cannot figure out how to do it! If anyone knows of a tutorial or can make one, please let me know.
(Note: I am on a Windows Computer)
I see many creations that have words and pictures on the screenshot, but I still cannot figure out how to do it! If anyone knows of a tutorial or can make one, please let me know.
(Note: I am on a Windows Computer)
@XP I'll respond to you in the morning, I got to go some where. (If you responded to me that is)
@XP I'm talking about a front page screenshot, like the ones you see on the creations page.
Thumbnail or the photo in description? @TheMagicCarMaker11
@XP How can I submit a Screenshot that has been edited by paint.net?
You should try paint.net
To download download it set up the setup wizard then open it and search up on youtube tutorials on using piant.net