So we’re all familiar with the Tank Cannon part that the Devs added to SP in 1.9, right? There’s something that I’ve always thought was necessary about the part, but for some reason it isn’t a thing. This would be a new XML value that can be used in the Overload interface; launchVolumePitch
When you adjust the launchVolume on a cannon to a number lower than one, (the max it can be set to is one) it decreases the volume of the shot, the lower the number is set. At 0, the cannon is completely silent, which is pretty useful. However, those who like to mess around with slow motion and fast forward mode may have noticed that when you fire a cannon in fast forward mode, it makes a much more different high pitched sound, regardless of launchVolume value. This is where my new idea for an XML input comes into play.
launchVolumePitch would change the pitch of the sound of the cannon firing. For instance, if set to a high number, it would be high pitched, and sound like more of a low caliber weapon going off, like a small machine gun. At neutral, it would sound like it does now. But if set to a lower number, it would have a much louder, deeper sound that would be more reminiscent of a 120mm on a modern MBT, such as the M1A2 Abrams, or Leopard IIA7. At 0, it would make the lowest sound possible, but it probably wouldn’t be registrable on a video game standpoint. If increased to a high enough number, it would eventually have the same effect as setting launchVolume to 0, completely silencing the cannon entirely.
If you were to set launchVolume to 0, any input on launchVolumePitch would be voided, as it would be silent no matter what number you set launchVolumePitch to.
Idk if this is a good idea or not, but it sounds great in my head lol. We could have low caliber guns that don’t sound like something on an MBT, and we could have high caliber guns that don’t sound like something on an APC! This would also add more variety to cannon sounds as a whole too, as it gets boring hearing the same “POK” sound that the cannon makes over and over again. I can imagine players could easily make more intricate custom muzzle bang sound effects with this new property as well!
Anyway thanks for reading, if a Dev has read this all the way to here, I am deeply grateful for you, taking your time to look at my forum post!
A simple Suggestion: 'input' for the cannon itself
'launchVolumeTimer' is for how long the sound plays
I am open to suggestions!
@DerpTheSoyacfartala lmfao
Now all I can imagine is a rocket engine screaming like a person as it ignites
@DerpTheSoyacfartala bruh
i just realized how weird i sounded saying that
@DerpTheSoyacfartala both of them are too adorable
@AWESOMENESS360 cause my other php is too adorable for him and he can't focus
i figured you can probably change the in game sounds by changing the sound files manually, i did that to KSP... I yelled into the mic and the rockets went aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and then the file repeated and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
@DerpTheSoyacfartala I wonder why that is
WiiMini wouldn't finish that video i wanted unless i changed it back
come to think of it, he still hasn't finished it
@DerpTheSoyacfartala I see we’re back to the Fennec Fox pfp
@AWESOMENESS360 indeed lol
@goboygo1 Oh you're right. That's a much more accurate sound
These are weirdly accurate descriptions
@DerpTheSoyacfartala lol
Current sound sounds like dropping a pumpkin on concrete.
Right now it sounds like punching a cardboard box with a pillow
@AWESOMENESS360 you may proceed now
@WarshipWarshipTheDude yeah that could be an interesting value too, the cannons are laser accurate with absolutely no dispersion right now. I imagine you could set the firingDelay to 0, and set dispersion to a high number so that there’s just cannon rounds flying everywhere, coming from only one gun barrel lol
Im good with that idea, i also want to see Inaccuracy slider or something like MG and Minigun "Spread" XML Value
@RuvienRuvienTheCitizen that wouldn't be a bad idea!
i am getting ready to put 9999 on that potentional interface and cleanse my ears
@AWESOMENESS360 engines need modifiable sounds and bombs, gun, cannons, need new sounds. cannons are also kinda bugged, when you fire then they're always at the same volume no matter how far away you are from the cannon.
a little unrelated bit but we could also use bomb fuses so I can actually bomb without having to be 500m or higher above the ground to not get destroyed by the bomb.
@rexrexThezion somewhat true.