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Did Krakabloan Federation operate Prison Camps and Had the Intent to Destroy Countries?

3,508 SheriffHackdogMCPE  4.3 years ago

Nov 8, 2020, 2 military drones from the Islamic Republic of Maywar sent to the Krakabloan Federation for a spy mission. The drone went into a badly shaped landscape at the east side of Wright Isles. When it approached a small valley it captured a green military truck. It followed the truck and saw a prison camp. The controller's back at Maywar couldnt believe what they saw. Meanwhile the second drone, found another 2 prison camps just 5 kms away. The second drone flew north to Krakabloa. Upon arrival at Krakabloa, the recon camera pictured a prison camp at the edge of the volcano. When the drone was about to leave the island, it went just 900 meters near Yeager Airport, the camera spotted a group of 14 fighters (possibly new fighters) and a white-orange colored nuke being carried into a Boeing 747 for a possible nuclear test . The two drones returned to Maywar on one piece and without getting tracked down and shot by enemy forces. When the Maywar armed forces general seen the pictures and videos, he alerted American forces and showed them one of the photos of the Yeager nuke, stating that they are planning for a nuclear attack against Maywar, the new Snowstone Republic and Fghabomo Republic and they were keeping a deadly intent for world domination.
The president of Maywar saw the pics and videos about the prison camps and called the Krakabloan Federation "Nazi Krakabloa" and "Krakabloan Third Reich" and said in front of media "Don't go into Nazi Krakabloa if you don't want to be in one of them and they could be violating human rights multiple times" and released drone footages and pictures to the public, sparking debates and protests even in social media. The president were notified about the nuke pictures, due to his knowledge about the possibly related mystery plane incident, which he knew they were spying to find ways to destroy and invade his country. He also ordered air raid and nuclear drills, nuclear alert tests, and also ordered Maywar Sky Force to fly their F14s to clear the area of possible unknown aircraft and canceling flights in case of unknown aircraft flying over the country as part of their intensification of national security. Meanwhile, American force's sent a small contingent consisting of 3,000 personnel, 15 F-18s, 9 C130's, 45 Humvees, and 38 A-10s to help Maywar. The president also held meetings with @NexusGaming and WiiMini to help them avoid such catastrophic invasion and destruction.