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I think that's because no one else can comment, so that comment will always appear at the top, and of course, everyone will upvote it. RIP Bogan lol comment
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@Kaiteniisan Indonesian in nutshell: Weh anj*ng, lah kok elu ada disini? Njir?
To note, not all of us does this, this is just a nutshell of it
@Kaiteniisan bongiorno
@Kaiteniisan good evening
@Kaiteniisan hasta la vista
@Kaiteniisan sayonara
@Kaiteniisan privet
@Kaiteniisan adios
I think that's because no one else can comment, so that comment will always appear at the top, and of course, everyone will upvote it.
RIP Bogan lol comment
The website when you comment on the oldest plane:
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Indonesian in nutshell: Weh anj*ng, lah kok elu ada disini? Njir?
To note, not all of us does this, this is just a nutshell of it
@Kaiteniisan bongiorno
@Kaiteniisan good evening
@Kaiteniisan hasta la vista
@Kaiteniisan sayonara
@Kaiteniisan privet
@Kaiteniisan adios