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Unpopular opinion: Vehicles are the worst builds on SP.

2,751 TwoFlare  4.3 years ago
  1. Vehicles are the worst things on the website. They take effort. Who likes effort? People should just build pixel art and space elevators.

  2. Moving in a videogame is just moving in real life but without exercise. Just buy an f-16 in real life! It's not that hard.

  3. Just grow up and stop using the videogame for it's intended use.

Tl,dr: Wierdo was board and wrote some satire in the forums, just ignore this.

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    33.0k SyntheticL

    stop this meme damn it
    (fun, laughed)

    4.3 years ago
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    56.6k Astro12


    4.3 years ago
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    2,751 TwoFlare

    @Astro12 It was a mini drama that replicas were the worst types of builds, etc, and I just wanted to meme on it.

    4.3 years ago
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    56.6k Astro12

    so, is this a meme, or is it already a drama?

    4.3 years ago
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    2,751 TwoFlare

    @XP Rockets with multiple stages are the worst. Just cut your rocket in half with a chainsaw mid flight! Why would you put in the extra effort to have designated stages?

    +1 4.3 years ago
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    30.1k TriStar

    Yeah also simplerockets is the worst because
    1. In simplerockets you onle make rockets. Bery boringe!
    2. I can!t go light speed. Bad game!!!!!
    3. Just build stuff in resl life not very ahrd and staging si pre done!

    4.3 years ago