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Ships Ordering Forum [Closed For Undetermined Amount Of Time]

28.7k TWDDerSharkmarine  4.2 years ago

Hello, this is your lovely little "SS Boatload Of Argument" (aka WarshipDude)

This is where you can order ships to be made by me, altough i have several "limitations" on the design that i will accept

• Maximum Displacement of 75.000T (Drydocks and Slipways Limitation)
• Maximum Guns Caliber of 17-Inch (Industrial Limitation)
• Maximum Torpedo size of 24-Inch (Industrial Limitation)
• Maximum Speed of 45kn (Industrial Limitation)

The ship can be of any era ranging from 1850 all the way to 2020, for a note i don't make replicas of real ships, but design based of a real ship is allowed *to some extent, you can put additional Story if you want to

I also have 2 Method of ship ordering

[Customer Design]
This is the first method to order ships from me, you will give me an already complete specification of your ship along with its weaponry, i can only change very little of this design to preserve its originality, usually if its not Displacement its Speed that have to be changed

[Role Specific Design]
This is the second method to order ships from me, you will give me the Requirement of the design, for example the Design require 7-inch guns, speed of 35 knots, and atleast have 8x main guns, the rest of the design is finished by the Shipyard (aka me), this second method is usually more role specific, say your ship intended purposes is to hunt merchant shipping, or its intended purpose is to hunt other Battleship, you give the Design Requirements, and i finish the "ideal" design of it

Here is the standarized list to make the design clearer and easier to understand (copy paste the below list into the comment section)

Method: Customer Design
[Class Name and Type] (example: H-0 Class BB)
Displacement: (100-75.000T)
Speed: (5-45kn)
Main Guns: (2-17 Inch/50.8-431.8mm)
Secondary: (2-8 Inch/50.8-203.2mm)
Anti Aircraft: (12.5mm to 3-Inch)

Method: Role Specific Design
[Class Name and Type] (example: H-0 Class BB)
Displacement: (max. 75.000T, leave empty if not required)
Speed: (max. 45kn, leave empty if not required)
Main Guns: (2-17 Inch/50.8-431.8mm, leave empty if not required)
Secondary: (2-8 Inch/50.8-203.2mm, leave empty if not required)
Anti Aircraft: (12.5mm to 3-Inch, leave empty if not required)

Example of the right way to type a design:
Method: Customer Design
[A-Class Heavy Cruiser]
Displacement: 15.000T
Speed: 34 Knots
Scout Planes: 1x Floatplane
Main Guns: 12x Dual Barrel 8-inch (Nassau Turret Arrangement)
Secondary: 20x Dual Barrel 5-inch
Anti Aircraft: 20x Single Barrel 40mm

How to read the Guns Specification:

[Main Guns: 12x Dual Barrel 8-Inch (Nassau Turret Arrangement)]

"12x" refers to the amount of barrels, not turret
"Dual Barrel" refers to how much barrel a turret have
"8-Inch" refers to the caliber of the guns
"8-Inch/35cal." refers to the guns caliber, and its lenght counted using the shell caliber
to count the barrel lenght: The lenght of the barrel is counted by stacking 35x 8-inch diameter shell in a line (hence 8-Inch/35cal.)

Add ons:

For Barrel Amounts, please say it like "Dual Barrel" and type that before saying its caliber, right example: "Main Guns: 8x Dual Barrels 15-Inch"

For Turret Arrangement, please say it after all of the guns specification, right example: "Main Guns: 5x Single Barrel 5-Inch (Dido Turret Arrangement)" or "Main Guns: 5x Single Barrel 5-Inch (AB fore guns, Mid Gun, XY aft guns)"

For Aircraft Carrier, you can change "Main Guns" with "Planes", the plane will be Tracer Airplanes for simplicity (thank you @Kaiteniisan for making the planes and @Speedhunter for the original founder of the idea), however, if you want flyable planes i can make that as well

For planes on catapult, say you want to have Scout Planes for your ship, you can add "Scout Planes" in "Specification" section

For Torpedoes on ships such as Destroyer you can add "Torpedoes" in "Weaponry" section

For Challenge Build, you can put "Challenge" below "Method", you may also add story and its objective, make a new Section named "Challenge", put "Story" and "Objective" at "Challenge" section

Fun little thing to do with Role Specific Design, you can challenge me to make a ship to do certain role, so its like "Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnought" Taskmaster Challenge

Of course you don't always have to go for the biggest ship, because bigger is not alway better, some wacky design can be acceptable to some extent, Battlecarrier, Large Heavy Cruiser (to confuse Westerns :v), Large Aircraft Carrying Missile Cruiser (Kiev bootleg), and such stuff is acceptable to some extent

Feel free to order ships from me, happy sailing everyone
"Sometimes You Have To Leave Your Area Of Comfort"

Note: the ships will be made every weekends so delivery time might be undetermined

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    Interesting take on the downsides of free shipping for small businesses! For those looking for additional storage solutions, this page on shipping containers offers a range of options. It’s a great resource
    [url=][/url] for businesses that may need extra space for inventory or shipping purposes.

    20 days ago
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    @ArkRoyalTheDDhunter there is a phone number in there

    2.3 years ago
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    454 ZFRFRK

    [Role Specific design]
    Ship class:DD

    Main gun: 3×8-inch gun (iowa layout)
    Secondary:4×5tube torpedo launcher

    3.3 years ago
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    I device abhors anything that's particularly huge and with a large part count. If that wasn't a problem I'd have it full size, but as it is, i don't have the opinion for anything bigger. As for the turrets, that sounds like a good idea.

    3.4 years ago
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    German planes, after all, this is a German ship(and I don't recall even one zero over the Atlantic.

    3.4 years ago
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    Yes, its been down sized for convenience sake, and yes, I want a battlecarrier. what is this alteration you had in mind?

    3.4 years ago
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    Method: Customer Design
    Challenge: Roughly 160ft long(give or take a few feet), max 350 parts
    Brismarck-class Battleship/Carrier hybrid(refer to 1945 Japanese battleship Ise)
    Displacement: 40,000T
    Speed: 30 Knots
    Catapults: 2
    Main Guns: 4x Dual Barrel 15-inch
    Planes: 14
    Secondary: 7x Dual Barrel 3-inch
    Anti Aircraft: 10x Single Barrel 30mm

    3.4 years ago
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    @ArkRoyalTheDDhunter hmm understood, this could very well take more than a year irl due to how lazy i am, however, slowly but surely progress will go on

    +1 3.8 years ago
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    437 CSLI

    @TwistedWarshipDude It is very ok if it delays. Please! Take your valuable time.

    3.9 years ago
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    @NothingToSeeHereGoodDay sure thing, but there's no warrantly that it will be available soon because so far not even one ship from these list have ever been materialized

    3.9 years ago
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    437 CSLI

    @TwistedWarshipDude can i order a cruiser similar to HMS Leander Class-Cruisers, below 600 parts, length must be over 100 and below 200, its up to you the, draft and width, of the ship, speed of 40 knots. All i need is the ship must be big in size.

    Ps: the reason why i love this ship is that it has all my needs and wants of my dream ship. Please make it. 👉👈

    3.9 years ago
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    @InfamousRedSkull im sorry, 17 Inch Small?
    What sort of yee yee ass Belkan technique do people use to brainwash you into thinking that 17 Inch is small? its not small, at all

    3.9 years ago
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    @InfamousRedSkull well fawk no, im not gonna make a ship with 21.5-Inch guns, im not Palpatine damn it, i also clearly stated the limitation you have on the design you give to me

    Maximum Displacement of 75.000T (Drydocks and Slipways Limitation)
    • Maximum Guns Caliber of 17-Inch (Industrial Limitation)
    • Maximum Torpedo size of 24-Inch (Industrial Limitation)
    • Maximum Speed of 45kn (Industrial Limitation)

    Also, big guns overrated, you don't need a whole lot of brain power to realize just how bad it is to have big ships

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    @InfamousRedSkull okay actually hang on a second, you're not going to have a Heavy Cruiser with the weight of a Bismarck, 6x 11-inch is not that heavy and 2x 24-Inch is also not gonna be that heavy, you can get a 15.000T Displacement but no 50.000T, you're not the H-0 Class Battleship, with that weight you're just gonna be a bigger target and everyone will think you only want the big ships without the guns which also makes me assume you gonna change the guns to something more powerful later on and avoiding the cost associated with having a bigger guns built along with the ship

    3.9 years ago
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    @InfamousRedSkull that's gonna be a bit hard but i will try to keep it below 650

    3.9 years ago
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    And yes... is big chonker

    4.1 years ago
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    @TwistedWarshipDude thank you so much!

    4.1 years ago
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    @LieutenantSOT i will consider this big chonker planning and its credimility

    4.1 years ago
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    Method: Customer Design
    [THN-Z2 "Eagle" Class Battleship]
    Displacement: (~50,000 T)
    Speed: (40kn; powered by a Turboelectric Radioisotope-Heated Steam-Powered Alternator [TRHSPA] uses nuclear reactor's heat to turn water into steam which powers an alterator and a steam turbine)

    Main Guns: 6x tri-barrel (15.748 Inch/400mm) guns (Nassau layout odd; 2 guns on Stern and Bow like the USS New Mexico, and then 1 on Starboard and Port sides in the center)
    Secondary: 8x dual barrel (7.87 Inch/200mm) guns (along starboard and port sides of ship, 4 guns per side)
    Tertiary: 10x single-barrel (3.94 inch/100mm) guns (around the deck)
    Torpedoes?: 2 quad barrel launchers, one on each side of the ship (starboard and port) inside the hull with 35 degree coverage if you can, if not on the deck is fine. (500mm torpedoes)
    Anti Aircraft: (75mm airburst, or 75mm HEAT; can place anywhere you see fit)

    Misc: my flag is the one on top. If you could, please add it to the ship. Thanks!
    Also, the ship is technically a modern ship that is built with the Thunder Hawk's style. The Thunder Hawk's style is bringing back WW2 ideas (big guns and lots of them, broadsiding, and a funnel for steam) and then bringing a modern twist (nuclear/fusion reactors, fast speeds, sonars, lasers, helicopter pads.) Just FYI

    Also, sorry to send you something like this. I can't build ships to save my life, but I'd love to see if this challenges you! So thank you :)

    4.1 years ago
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    @Tsuchiisan yes hold on you bugger, i have RP Chores to do here

    4.2 years ago
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    @Tsuchiisan i know its not Andre you soddy Tic Tac, i read people's Bio here

    I can make a Panzerschiff...
    Yes, i still have a lot of ships i need to make, bloody hell i forgot...

    4.2 years ago
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    @Numbers i will, but not now, im still having some chores to do irl...

    4.2 years ago
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    @DeltaBravoSix understood, as for the helipad i don't think its possible as the boat itself is already smaller than a Hind

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    @QuitePossiblyMangled yes, indeed i can

    @DarkMarble1 understood, your design will be added into the list

    @PrinzEugen99 understood, your design will also be added, and that is one hell of an AA cruiser, and you know that i love Quad Barrel

    4.2 years ago
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    38.0k V

    @WarshipDude 2020 from the eyes of 1980

    4.2 years ago
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