I'm interesting in giving an AMA. It's not for a special, just gonna answer some questions you have about me. Ask away!
My First AMA (Will Answer 92% of Appropriate Questions)
37.5k WiiMininininini
4.2 years ago
I'm interesting in giving an AMA. It's not for a special, just gonna answer some questions you have about me. Ask away!
All are in the specific order
671 Lincoln Ave, the big red brick house you see as you drive by
WiiMini, 1234Boeing
about 1 hour
barely any
a lot of stuff
that means i don't answer 1.84 of your questions
100 percent
both are good
my answer is- that was the .84
and the 1 i will not answer is the last one
in conclusion, I didn't answer 1.84 of your questions
Just a couple questions...
Are you naked right now
Are you male
Where do you live
What’s your user name and password
Can I steal your entire house
Can you upvote every single one of my builds?
How fast does it take for me to get cut in half by you
Are you actually a human
Do you exist
What is 0 divided by 0
Can you give me mental help
Can I take your bank account
Can I pickpocket you in public
How much hair is on your arm
What are you made of
Are you sad?
Are you violently crying?
Don’t answer 8% of the questions mentioned here
What percent is your device at for battery?
Apple or Android
Upvote or updoot
Gif of Jif
What the hell am I
@TwoFlare lol
@WiiMini "do the work fast and properly" is kinda difficult for me lol.
@TwoFlare easy. do the work fast, and properly, and then browse sp
@WiiMini I need to learn to do this
@TwoFlare I am serious. It's called slacking off, with out the slacking off
@WiiMini sure you are...
@TwoFlare however, I never open the game, just surf the website
@TwoFlare and I finish my class work very fast so I can surf SP
@TwoFlare yes, I am on break however
@WiiMini Assuming your a highschool freshman in California, you should be in class right now lol
@TwoFlare I'm monitoring my notifications
@WiiMini how the 'ell do you respond so fast
@TwoFlare yep
@Learpot The address is for the house in home alone...
@spefyjerbf im only a high school freshman, have mercy on me
But I thought you lived in Cali, the first result says Illinois
A vertical disk of radius r rolls around a horizontal track of radius R. This track rotates at a constant rate of Ω0 about the vertical axis. The center of the disk moves at a constant angular rate of φ ̇ about the same vertical axis. Using the set of unit vectors, eˆr,eˆφ,eˆz, obtain the acceleration of point P, located on the edge of the disk when the point is at its highest position. (from Greenwood, Principles of Dynamics, 1988)
@Learpot search it and it comes up first
@WiiMini also for your address, what city lol
Whoops I tagged you 2 times anyways good idea
@Learpot so it doesnt work anymore
@Learpot I changed my password in time
I didn’t expect that