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How fast is the rocket pod?

2,709 Random04  4.3 years ago

I've been wondering of how fast is the rocket pods, maybe it a wierd question but with the new auto aiming thingy it would be really cool if you set some valuables in the rotator to the speed of the rocket pod, so you can finally hit air targets with a unguided rocket..

Edit: guys i know who to change the firing dealy of the rocket, i meant how fast it moves (meter per second)
Thank you

Another edit: yep, i was right what i said in my comment, it actual speed was really 1500m/s
Lemme tell you how i did it
There a technique where you can attach the cockpit to any rocket im sure you know it
So, i attached the cockpit to the rocket and i made the cockpit mass and drag scale to 0 so the final rocket speed will not be affected by the cockpit mass, i launched the rocket and the speed was 5700km/h, i calculated that to m/s and it was actually 1580m/s
Pretty cool isn't it? +i don't think my calculations was right so the final rocket speed is around 1450-1580m/s

You're welcome

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    90 Ghaves

    My god you are so smart
    Thank you bro

    2.8 years ago
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    2,709 Random04

    @PrinzEugen99 yeah sadly we can't change it, i really hope we can change such things in rockets in future updates

    4.3 years ago
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    2,709 Random04

    Ok something wierd happened rn, i attached a rocket and a inferno to a pylon, and as long as i hit AG 1 thay will both go together, the problem is, the rocket weighs only 5 kg, so i mass scaled the inferno till i got it to 5 kg, now, i released the two missiles in the same time, wierd thing is.. The unguided rocket keeps getting speed until it explodes at around (1500 meters per second) because i kept setting the inferno max speed until thay look at the same speed, and both of them where level at 1500, but when the rocket hits that speed it starts to slow down
    The big problem is, i don't know if the inferno was speeding up or the rocket is slowing down, im pretty sure my test is very inaccurate but hey i had fun doing it

    4.3 years ago
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    21.8k Brendorkus

    You can add a ‘Delay’ file and set it to zero. It will fire missiles at an extremely high frequency. Like a minigun.

    4.3 years ago
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    33.5k tsampoy

    @QuitePossiblyMangled No it's fine, it can help him too

    4.3 years ago
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    @tsampoy Oh my bad then

    4.3 years ago
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    33.5k tsampoy

    @QuitePossiblyMangled Yes, that's the more efficient way. What I said was just a joke lol.

    4.3 years ago
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    Then, you will get feet/sec. Convert to mph, kph, or whatever you see fit

    4.3 years ago
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    @tsampoy Your speed adds to the rockets velocity though. A better way to get the speed of a rocket is to see how long it takes for the rocket to covered a marked distance, perhaps 500 feet or something. Just make two points 500 feet apart, one with the rocket and one with a camera. Fire the rocket and see how long it takes to reach the camera.

    +3 4.3 years ago
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    33.5k tsampoy

    Shoot the rocket, then throttle up to catch up with it, then once you have the same speed as it, look at your speed and that's the speed of the rocket pod.
    (not guaranteed to work)

    +2 4.3 years ago
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    @F104Deathtrap i hope they'll make aa rocket pods doe

    4.3 years ago
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    2,709 Random04

    @F104Deathtrap i know, but its still very hard to hit a target in the air with an unguided missile

    4.3 years ago
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    Air to air unguided rockets were a thing in the late 40's. It wasn't pretty.

    +3 4.3 years ago
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    hehe boi that would be absolutely 'ery noice

    4.3 years ago