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(The Krakabloan Democrat, Nov 18 2020) Nuclear Attack Occurred at Republic of Skypark

3,508 SheriffHackdogMCPE  4.3 years ago

Welcome to the Krakabloan Democrat, the Supreme Minister's state owned newspaper.

Earlier this afternoon, a nuclear bomb hit Republic Island in RoS or Republic of Skypark, around 89 miles from Wright Town. Rumours circulating about the disaster that there were UD aircraft flying over Republic Island on a recon flight, and a possible terrorist attack. President PotatoJenkins1 confirmed it during a Quad-Partite Pact meeting. Meanwhile, the Supreme Minister after he learned about the incident, ordered General 2ltofWWII to send E250s to Republic Island for aid and investigation. Supreme Minister HakdogMCPE planned to send AN225 Mriya MCTTs to Republic Island for series of aids. The Supreme Minister also said that "in cooperation with the general, we will strengthen the military in order to avoid a similar incident in the country and condemn those responsible for the attacks." He also planned to modernise the Krakabloan Democratic Police Force (KDPF) to arrest and convict possible terrorists that plan to do such an event. Also,
the supreme minister advised the other Quad Partite Pact members, such as Kingdom of Murowka and Snowstone, to take actions of their own. Estimated casualties and cost of damage that the incident caused is not yet known.

This is our first news outside the country.

Heil Hackdog!

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    We were never at war.

    4.3 years ago
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    18.8k NexusGaming

    @SheriffHackdogMCPE read the post @RepublicOfStuntpark made
    it says terrorists are trying to frame us

    +1 4.3 years ago
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    @NexusGaming so thats why u had war with stuntpark?

    4.3 years ago
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    18.8k NexusGaming

    @SheriffHackdogMCPE the terrorists trying to frame us

    4.3 years ago
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    @NexusGaming who?

    4.3 years ago
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    18.8k NexusGaming

    @RepublicOfStuntpark don't worry we'll try finding them and getting rid of them
    if necessary we'll gas them
    or if that doesn't work we'll burn them alive on a cross as r e v e n g e

    4.3 years ago
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    @NexusGaming we know. We have pinpointed it to a radicalist terrorist group located on an island near your country. It seems they may have wanted to frame you for the attack, thus making us go to war. The fact that they aren't hesitant to use nuclear weapons is horrible, and they need to be dealt with ASAP.

    4.3 years ago
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    18.8k NexusGaming

    @SheriffHackdogMCPE As we said to @RepublicOfStuntpark, We could have not done it, we haven't used nuclear weapons for a long time except for tactical nuclear weapons like the M-28C or M-29C, which are updated M28 and M29 versions, and these are much weaker than the nuclear weapon exploded on Stuntpark and would be obvious. We have replaced all currently operational air-launch or ICBM-carried nuclear warheads (fission or fusion) with antimatter warheads and [REDACTED]
    Most of the remaining nuclear weapons are being reused as sources for uranium-235 which is used to fuse large amounts of superheavy elements above element 118 for production purposes.
    However there are a few legacy nuclear bombs and warheads kept for backup, but those haven't even been seen for years since they're in a secret storage facility, and those nuclear bombs / warheads are far too powerful (10kt < 75mt to 115mt for warheads, 80mt to 205mt for air launch bombs, and an unknown amount of 1gt bombs (1gt = 1000mt) which have not been tested)

    4.3 years ago