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The story

315 Cyblox12  4.3 years ago

You are flying your B-36 peace maker suddenly when you hear a loud rumble! You are being shot down by an enemy fighter! Gallons of fuel are dropping rapidly and your engine is on fire! You try to keep control of the plane but it can't be controlled. You try to find a parachute but you can't. You are heading toward the water. You open the Bombay doors release all your bombs and jump out. No you were free falling at 500 feet

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    Also, Russians did experiments pushing paratroopers into deep snow without parachutes , which surprisingly worked @Stickman

    4.3 years ago
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    Those who survived had their falls slowed down by trees, snow, etc. Like all things, humans have a terminal velocity, so once we reach that speed, we can not go any faster. So no matter what height a person is dropped from, they can survive the fall if the thing they are landing in is able to slow them down enough to were the speed is survivable. It’s also not like it was a 100% way to live, it was more I would rather die from hitting the ground than burning to death. The chances of death were very high, but some pilots did survive. It’s also important to note that they mostly likely didn’t walk away with no injuries. @Stickman

    4.3 years ago
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    @thebanbehindtheslaughter There are accounts of pilots in ww2 surviving falls after ejecting from their aircraft. Also, you can survive the fall into the water if you land correctly, probably feet first like a pencil. Your legs will probably break, but at least your alive.

    4.3 years ago
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    and then you die because who tf would jump out of a plane without parachute? lmao just find it what is the problem bruh

    4.3 years ago